Kerbalt Settlement in Yonderverse | World Anvil


Kerbalt is the capital city of the Western District, and the largest city in the Region of Sarra. It is one of the 14 megacities, at 17 million citizens, and steadily increasing. Kerbalt is one of the most recognised cities in the world, for its advancements, famous alumni, and its technological advancement, to this day one of the most advanced cities.  



The basis of Kerbalt was founded about 5000 years ago, when a group of migrants travelled across the continent to a new piece of land which was previously unexplored. The people settled in a dense rainforest, building a small village in the trees. More migrants entered the village and set up their homes there, and soon enough the village was growing at a rapid rate.  


Unfortunately, due to the sudden surge in migrants moving from Vustrimia and its neighbouring countries to Kerbalt, the town had to expand, fast. A large portion of the rainforest was chopped down and replanted elsewhere so the city had enough room to expand. The town was quickly renamed to a city, as the population reached 55 thousand, after another surge of migrants arrived. Quickly the city began to increase in popularity after its recognition for being a safe place for migrants, as most other cities do not accept them.  

Technology Era

The technology era was groundbreaking for Kerbalt. The city was unintentionally founded on the biggest thalassium vein on Greenerth, over a billion kilograms of thalassium was woven into the ground below the city. In 1207, as miners began excavating the quarry, they began to mine out some thalassium. Not knowing what it was, they brought it to some scientists in Kerbalt and they analysed it. Discovering it could generate electricity through friction, they demolished their original electrical generators and replaced them with faster thalassium electrical generators, which powered the city almost twice as fast. The scientists were the first to create thalassium generators on Greenerth, which massively raised Kerbalt's profile. More funding was poured into their research, and more and more discoveries were being made, more and more technological advancements were being made. Kerbalt quickly became a megacity after bigger inventions were made that revolutionised the city. Kerbalt was so advanced that it even raised the profile of the entire country.


Kerbalt is a very diverse city. About 24% are Volantrids, 4% are Kozkonyonyaosi, 7% are Orioles. The wealthiest people live more in the north of the city where more expensive companies and shops have settled.


Kerbalt consists of almost a thousand skyscrapers all reaching a minimum of 200m. There are many walkways high in the sky over the roads that connect all the skyscrapers allowing for easier access. Kerbalt is popular for its effiency with travel, so you can find many stations that rent floating cars or regular cars.

Famous Locations

Treaty Tower

Treaty Tower is a building in Kerbalt, built in 1639, is the location of the World Pacifism Treaty. It was built out of materials from every country in the world, to show their unity. Once built it was the place the treaty was signed, and since then is an important building in the world.
Owning Organization


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