King Qerilis Character in Yonderverse | World Anvil

King Qerilis

King Qerilis Bferdin

King Qerilis was the ruler of Orrios, from 1704 to 1767. His mother, Uyroya Bferdin, was the ruler of House Cathedril, the biggest House of Orrios at the time. Qerilis passed away in Uribar 1767 when he was assassinated by King Marado, ruling House Langmarin. King Qerilis established economic stability in Orrios like no other ruler had ever done before, and had even formed a good relationship with the ruler of House Barashor, King Dunvare. Unfortunately this good relationship angered King Marado, ruler of House Langmarin.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

King Qerilis was a chubby man, who seldom exercised. After breaking his right foot when he was 23, it never properly healed, and he wouldn't be able to play sports or exercise as much, which led him to getting Barnacles, a common disease of the lazy. Unfortunately this slightly worsened his reputation as a noble King.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Qerilis was born into the House Cathedril in 1681. As a child, he had 4 different servants to look after him while her mother, Queen Uyroya, was out doing her work as ruler. His favourite pass-time as a child was table tennis, a popular sport in Orrios.   He was declared King of the House Cathedril after her mother passed away in 1704, when Qerilis was 23 years old. He immediately declared in increase in the minimum wage, to the please of all the workers in the House Cathedril While he was king he managed to seal many trade deals with other countries, greatly benefiting Orrios while it wasn't majorly benefiting the other countries. Qerilis was very smart, and used that to benefit his portion of the country.   In 1728 the Fretrellis War began, a war between House Barashor and House Langmarin. King Qerilis was paid upfront 50 million corral from King Dunvare, for Qerilis to join House Barashor and defeat House Langmarin. Qerilis accepted, and House Langmarin was quickly defeated. This betrayal angered King Marado, ruler of House Langmarin. For the next 39 years the relationship between Marado and Qerilis worsened, until in 1767 Qerilis was assassinated, believed to have been by Marado and his soldiers.


Contacts & Relations

He had a good relationship with most countries, especially the Western District. The Western District brought over various machinery, such as mobile phones or computers, while House Cathedril brought them lots of crops for them to eat, since a considerable amount of the land owned by Qerilis was farmland.

Wealth & Financial state

King Qerilis was the least wealthy at the time of coronation, but by the time he died had almost twice the wealth of the other two Oriole Kings combined, due to his intelligence with bartering with other countries.
Date of Birth
41st Lonribar 1681
Date of Death
3rd Wenibar 1767
1681 1767 86 years old
Circumstances of Death
Assassinated by soldiers sent by King Maradin
Cathedril Cathedral
Dark blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Purple and pink feathers

Mysterious past...

The story of the Dead Queen is a well known myth in Orrios. It is a story about a man who sees visions every night, and he predicted the mysterious death of the Queen and her child. That Queen, was Qerilis' wife, Queen Salvado. One night, the Queen and her baby girl was reported dead, shocking the whole country. There was no idea who killed them, but after the castle that Qerilis lived in was burnt down, the myth of the Dead Queen arose. What most people don't know is that the myth is true, but everybody just believes it is a silly rumour. If people found out that Qerilis had killed his wife and child, then people would've revolted against the monarchy for keeping this secret. According to the myth, Qerilis had killed his wife and child because she gave birth to a girl, and the King desperately wanted a baby boy to pass on his genes. He later remarried and his new wife gave birth to a boy.


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Aug 7, 2021 15:42

The brutal twist of killing your own family, a classic in monarchies! While gruesome, I think they are interesting to read. I wonder if you would want to expand on his killing. Is it just because of the girl, or is there (secretly) more behind that? A disgust for his wife, or something like that. Great article and a good read!   Keep up the good work! :D

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Aug 7, 2021 15:51 by Mochi

Interesting, I'll have a think about expanding the killings between now and the rewards ceremony. :)

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Aug 17, 2021 14:13 by George Sanders

He does have a dark secret!

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Aug 17, 2021 15:27 by Mochi

Haha yeah! I'm very happy I was able to tie it into another SC prompt :)

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