Rio Mertin's Nydiowa Mansion Building / Landmark in Yonderverse | World Anvil

Rio Mertin's Nydiowa Mansion

As any high-level criminal such as Rio Mertin would, this man owned an expensive mansion that cost millions to construct. This mansions sits atop a large gallor in southern Nydiowa, in view of Mantakar Lake. The building has 4 floors, two swimming pools and a spa, and even a giant aviary full of exotic birds illegally brought for around the world.

Purpose / Function

This mansion in Nydiowa served as Rio Mertin's main house. He spent most of his time here, and was where layouts and plans for his operations took place. It was his place of rest as well, when he wanted a break from the stress of running an international criminal organisation.


In the main living room, the floor is made of a pristine marble, with a stunningly shiny surface. There are 3 long sofas all facing a large TV in the corner of the room, next to a window wall, with an entrance to the first swimming pool. Mirroring the window wall is a large kitchen, made mostly of marble, with an island in the middle. Various cupboards and kitchen equiptment line the kitchen walls, and above the sink sits a small window with a few plants in pots. Between the kitchen and the living room is a large corridor, with a bedroom and bathroom. The bedroom has another window wall with magenta curtains covering them, and there is a huge king-sized bed sat in front of the wall closest to the living room. Down the end of the corridor is the spiraling staircase to the next floor. The 1st floor has 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, as well as a nice balcony with a view of Mantakar Lake. The 2nd floor has 2 more bedrooms, 1 more bathroom and the second kitchen. On the very top floor, or the 3rd floor, is just 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom, and another balcony.


The entire building is made of several white concrete blocks stacked on top of each other, each story being smaller than the one below it. The large patio and swimming pool is painted blue, and the aviary is made of a metal mesh with a concrete floor and roof. All in all, a very drab building.


Built in 1874, this building was set on fire and almost destroyed entirely in 1889, by a rival crimelord who wanted Mertin out of the business. It was set alight with Mertin and 5 other men and 2 women inside the building, killing 1 woman and 3 men. Mertin escaped with minimal harm, while the other survivors went to the hospital. The building was quickly rebuilt in the next few months.


After Rio Mertin was arrested in 1902, the abandoned mansion then became a tourist attraction for visitors. The place attracts up to 100 thousand people a year, who can then learn about the life of this crimelord at this mansion. The aviary and pools are actually still in place and running, however the aviary now hosts a few bird species from Sarra, instead of the species Mertin had.   The mansion has been kept in a pristine condition, with clear guides as to where people may walk. There are guard rails to keep from anyone straying past the paths and possible damage any items within the house. The tour takes people from the ground to the 3rd floor, and the only place not shown is the basement, due to things being too graphic for people to handle in it. To common public it is not known what is hidden down there.
Founding Date


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