
Feathered Eye Squid

Suijisi are large, bird like unieterrors that fly around the vast emptiness of space in humongous flocks, of thousands, millions, up to a billion creatures in a single flock.

Basic Information


Suijisi are small creatures, they have a round torso with no legs or arms, just 2 leathery wings, similar to what a plane wing looks like. Their round head is connected via a long neck, and on top of its head is a large crest used for echolocation, photosynthesis, and steering. They possess 2 pairs of eyes that are on either side of its head. Its torso ends in a long tail that divides into about halfway down. Its skin is a soft pink, with darker pink crest.

Genetics and Reproduction

Suijisi mate once a revolution, and females will have 1 child. Gestation period is about 3 weeks, which is very short for a creature of their size.

Growth Rate & Stages

As babies are the most vulnerable, they are heavily protected by the others in their nest. Adult suijisi will surround any living thing that gets near to the babies and tear them apart with their beaks and charge at them with their crests.

Ecology and Habitats

Suijisi spend most of their lives flying around the emptiness of space. However they do have a home, which is usually a dwarf planet. The closest suijisi nest to Greenerth is on Aemoendis, which is about 7 billion km away.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Their crests glow green from all the chloroplasts in them, which allows them to photosynthesise. Suijisi don't eat meat, plants or any other food, but instead use the Sun's rays to gain energy. Suijisi are often believed to be a carnivorous species, as they do attack people quite often in their space vehicles, but they just do that to protect their babies.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The crest on its head can be used for echolocation, sending out loud, high pitched wails that get sent back to its crest. The crest is also used for photosynthesis, its only method of "eating".


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