Trio of Decay

Trio of Decay by Mochi

The Trio of Decay is a significant trio of deific entities in Duvanism. Collectively they are the personification of rot, decay, entropy, and putrefaction. They take upon the appearance of scavengers on Norrab; a bat, catfish, and a norrabian wolf-dog.

Typically the Trio are seen as one entity with multiple forms. Some identify three individuals with unique personalities and beliefs. Nevertheless, Duvanists portray the Trio as powerful, crucial beings in the life and death cycle.


Nado is the first of the Trio. She takes on the form of a large ghoul bat, common in the Phalan Forest. It is said she has three hundred children, demonic minions that run rampant throughout the caves below the forest.


Silura takes on the form of a gigantic catfish, lurking in the depths of the Algol. Silura watches over life in the rivers and oceans.


Cani takes on the form of a norrabian wolf-dog. She prowls through the Looming Desert. Cani leads a pack of undead norrabian wolf-dogs, all an unnatural deep black and purple in colour.

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Looming Desert
Phalan Forest
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Cover image: by Mochi


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