
CW: Colonisation & extinction of indigenous groups in "Adamnification"

A planet of devastation and lifelessness, Norrab is a perished world of adamnans that rebelled against their home planet. These people felt dirty, worshipping the very people who turned against them, so they abandoned their home altogether and found refuge in Norrab.

Norrab is best known for its swirling sandy seas, treacherous mountain ranges, trenches that cut all through the oceans, and an assortment of other dramatic, dangerous landscapes. Despite this, people have learned to thrive here and find beauty in what life manages to win the fight against the unforgiving environment.

Geography, Location & Climate

Seden Castle by the Algol by Mochi

Norrab is dominated by hot biomes. Almost half of the planet's landmasses are hot deserts and savannas, almost completely void of life. Wriggling around these deserts and savannas are tropical rainforests and swamplands, infested with carnivorous coral consuming all in sight.

The planet is broken down into 95 countries, dividing up both the land and the seas. These countries are generally organised based on the geography of the planet, with many snatching up specific resource-rich landmarks. For example, countries Na'ailidi and Preden both share the Noraiis Mountain Range, a small mountain range who's rock contains significant amounts of gold and iron.

Norrab and Adamne are in a planetary marriage. These planets revolve around each other, with five moons intertwining in orbit. As these two planets orbit each other, they leave trails of star and solardust, leaving a wreckage of fire and light as they circle Cheem.

Map of Norrab

An artistic representation of Norrab (as presented below) sits in a grand hall, within the top floor of the National History Museum of Asa'ta. It is the most widespread map in use, dominating printed atlases, globes, and school text-books.

Norrab is best known for its swirling sandy seas, treacherous mountain ranges, trenches that cut all through the oceans, and an assortment of other dramatic, dangerous landscapes. Despite this, people have learned to thrive here and find beauty in what life manages to win the fight against the unforgiving environment.

Significant Locations

Looming Desert

The largest desert on Norrab. Its sands never stay still, leaving pits in the sand to swallow up unlucky travellers.

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Noraiis Mountain Range

A mineral-rich mountain range. The Noraiis range is home to the tallest mountain on the planet, 10% made of gold.

Phalan Forest

Bloodthirsty coral continue to uproot the dense Phalan Forest. It is protected by law, and people are encouraged to kill as much coral as possible.

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The longest river on the planet. It covers the entire Sian Lowlands, with tributaries coming from three different mountain ranges. Norrabians originated around the Algol.

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Goliath Blackfield Mussels by Mochi

Juvin Plateau

The Juvin Plateau sits almost three thousand metres above sea level. Few creatures can survive the atmosphere, but the carnivorous coral thrives.


A moon of both Norrab and Adamne, Jhoua is the only natural satellite to influence Norrab's tides. It orbits in such an awkward position that in some areas, tides can rise up to fifty metres.


A large expanse of beach coastline and black sargassum, a type of floating seaweed. Home to gigantic goliath blackfield mussels, producing the largest pearls on the planet.

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Colo Coara

A blend of dead kelp forest and thriving coral and sponges, this tropical ocean is not as inviting as it looks. Horror lurks round every corner.


Norrab appeared in the Yonderverse around a thousand years ago, manifesting out of nowhere orbiting Cheem, a one-of-a-kind rainbow giant star. The first adamnans fled their home planet approximately eight hundred years ago to live on Norrab, where they remain to this day. Adamnans have caused conflict with native norrabians.

The Norrab Space Legion was set up a hundred years ago, after encouragement from other planets in the Cheem System. The Legion has not offered much in terms of new legislation, as it prefers to sit back and observe other organisations from afar.


Native Norrabian by Mochi

The Adamnification of Norrab is the most significant event of the planet, still ongoing. As adamnans rival native norrabians for territory and resources, they have dominated many regions and caused a mass shift in culture. The Adamnification of Norrab involves the extinction of hundreds of indigenous groups around the planet, primarily around Aridara.

With superior technology, adamnans were easily capable of overpowering many groups of norrabians. Entire countries were claimed and now under adamnan rule; the vast majority of the land was designated to adamnans, while native groups were forced into tiny territories, unguarded and left to rot.

The adamnan colonisation was an after-effect of them fleeing their native planet, Adamne. After being overrun by war and conflict, millions fled to Norrab, as the two planets orbit each other in the Cheem System. Norrabians are a naturally peaceful species; they do not put up fights, but many do hold a hatred for adamnans. Few have found peace between the two species, and many fight for equality and amity.


God Snake by Mochi

Norrab may appear quite lifeless and many describe it as such, but it actually contains many intriguing and breathaking ecosystems and organisms. Several animal species have found refuge on Norrab from Adamne, such as god snakes. On Adamne they are ruthlessly hunted, but thrive on Norrab as they are left alone.

Much of the life on Norrab have learnt how to cope with the predatory landscapes. Most species are either supersized or super small, with megafauna and megaplants dominating the deserts and microscopic animals scuttling about forest floors.

Drone cacti grow to over a hundred metres tall, serving as biological landmarks. Many plant species, especially woody plants, can live for thousands upon thousands of years.

The rainforests of Norrab are unsurprisingly the most ecologically diverse. The Phalan Forest alone contains 35% of all named animal species on the planet.


  • Norrab
    Norrab is best known for its swirling sandy seas, treacherous mountain ranges, trenches that cut all through the oceans, and an assortment of other dramatic, dangerous landscapes. Despite this, people have learned to thrive here and find beauty in what life manages to win the fight against the unforgiving environment.
Present Date
Orbit No.
Distance From Sun
14 AU No. of Natural Satellites
Significant Natural Satellites
Etera, Jhoua, Maahan, Vala, Whei

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Cover image: by Mochi


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Feb 15, 2024 12:31 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Yaaaay, god snakes!   Some of those biomes sound like they would be really interesting to explore.

Feb 15, 2024 16:26 by Mochi

Yesss, I agree! I can't wait to write about more specific locations :)

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Jun 30, 2024 15:46 by jyliet of the house

Drone cacti are wild! What kind of shapes might they be?

Jun 30, 2024 17:23 by Mochi

I imagine they'd be quite weird and unique, in terms of shape! They could be a fun thing to write about during Summer Camp, if we get a prompt I can work with!

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Aug 4, 2024 02:48 by Aster Blackwell

It's really fun to read this after learning so much about Norrab from Summercamp! I've really enjoyed the focus on this planet and would love to see more <3

Aug 4, 2024 20:20 by Mochi

Aww, thank you so much! It's been delightful, focusing on this planet for so long :D

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Aug 5, 2024 15:06 by Han

> Norrab and Adamne are in a planetary marriage.   that is such an adorable way of putting things! dear adamnans: please go back home, this is a divorce

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!
Aug 6, 2024 20:56 by Mochi

Thank youuu! I forgot if it had a name irl, and TJ and Nae both have a planet in my world, so I thought of "planetary marriage" for them, and it fit for these two!

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
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