The Church of the Weaver Organization in Yor | World Anvil
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The Church of the Weaver

The Church of the Weaver was first established as a temple to Zanziveel in the year 1357 MD. Pilgrims, most often mages, who found their way here left offerings of knowledge to curry favor with the goddess. As word grew of this temple, more pilgrims came and went leaving gifts in their wake. The priests began to organize these tomes and scrolls into a private library for those who give offerings to peruse and gain the blessing of Zanziveel's knowledge.   Now, some eight hundred years later the Church has survived more than one cataclysmic event and grown to have archives in six out of the nine member nations of the Tenth Circle.   There are a few different options for those seeking access to the Church's archives. Clerics of Zanziveel who pass the Trial of the Needle gain permanent access to levels one and two of each archive location. For everyone else, access can be granted by the Loremaster of each archive, either through service to the Church or by carrying some favor with the Loremaster for one reason or another. Lastly, members of the church's Curatorship have limited access to their home archive, as do any guests they may bring in with them. The longer one serves the Church, and the more knowledge one contributes to its collection, the greater access you gain.   Many entities throughout Kelember are known aspects of Zanziveel, usually granting mortals knowledge or power in exchange for mortal help in collecting and creating stories. People who claim connections with these creatures are treated with hesitance within the Church, but are given the same chance to undergo the Trial of the Needle as conventional priests of Zanziveel. Should they pass they are given the same access within the Church, though it's not uncommon for the scholars to keep a closer eye on these warlocks than other priests.
Founding Date
1357 MD
Religious, Temple
Alternative Names
The Stacks

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