Coin and Tender
The currencies of many different mints are found in circulation throughout the Kingdom of Yore and its neighbours and dependents.
As their value is measured by weight of precious metal, most are basically equivalent to each other. Gold is gold, however it is stamped – even old Khorian coins are legal tender.
Copper coins are a copper-tin alloy, mixed either with brass or bronze, depending on their origin.
1 Platinum (pp) = 10 Gold (gp) = 20 Electrum (ep) = 100 Silver (sp) = 1,000 Copper (cp)
Modern Yorish Currencies
Bard’s Gate Crown = electrum
Bard’s Gate Schila = silver
Zobeck Gilder = gold
Tyrian Bar = copper (bronze)
Remish Mark = platinum
Rashan Stath = copper (bronze)
Lankhmar Thaler = electrum
Kemreseni Dirhm = copper (brass)
Ulfheim Pennig = silver
Dragon Coast Drac = gold
Letherite Denar = electrum
Vasilean Otos = platinum
Zakharan Gen = gold
Tian Long = gold
Tian Mar = copper (bronze)
Canton Adz = gold (Dwarvish)
Doreshi Hood = silver
Kagonestri Cu = copper (brass) (Elvish)
Quali Anar = gold (Elvish)
Quali Isil = silver (Elvish)
Historic Khorian Currencies (still to be found in treasure hoards and ancient tombs)
Neith = gold, equivalent weight to a platinum piece (large coin)
Mwol = gold
Nhut = silver
Khet = iron (equivalent to copper, although some Khets are so corroded their value is halved)Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild