Ilthe-Ba’Manza Settlement in Yore | World Anvil
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Hanging over a 2 km-wide subterranean lake far below the Galentaur, even deeper than the city of Nidlhammer, are huge town-sized stalactites inside which the brain-feeding Illithids, or Mind Flayers, have made their home. These ‘Illactites’ have been carved out and lit by bioluminescent matter, lending a sickly blue-green hue to the entire cavern. The suspended city is strangely beautiful in its alien, hive-like architecture. Within the central and largest Illactite is located the Elder Brain, which has of late become weakened, sickened and preoccupied by some external influence.   This has led to some of the Illithids becoming more independently-minded, and also more aggressive. The most powerful have cast out their rivals on dubious grounds, and set themselves apart from the rest of their kind, becoming what is known as ‘Ulitharids’. Little in the way of treasure is to be found here – only a few magic items and packs of ravening Intellect Devourers – for the Mind Flayers value knowledge and thoughts and have little use for material wealth.   The Illithids have enthralled the local Duergar kingdom, the Myconids and the Grimlocks, and are currently at something of a stalemate with the Llolth-worshipping Drow of the Tsar peninsula. No doubt it will not be long before they turn their attentions to the Elves and Men to the west. It is not so much dominion and power they seek so much as control and a supply of food to sustain their species. However, while the Elder Brain is sick the Illithids are weakened and in a state of disharmony. Could this be the same sickening influence that has turned the Old Margreve against itself, driven the Urzin from the Festering Marshes and unleashed a plague of frogs upon the land?

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