Rothenia Geographic Location in Yore | World Anvil
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The vast steppes of the Rothenian Plains are home to wild Centaur tribes, wandering Kariv, and savage, nomadic Kender. These Wildlands are largely uncivilised, bordered to the east by the untamed forest of Bor Nyster, to the south by the towering Icespires and Mithral Mountains, and to the west by the unforgiving cold of the Lether Sea. Beyond is the eastern fringe of the expansionist Letherite Empire, and to the far north lies Ulfheim, home of seafaring traders and raiders. Once these lands were part of the great Realm of Fornheim, and Elves ruled the great city of Myth Drannor, now ruined and overrun by goblins and stranger things. And, somewhere in the midst of the churning sea, there is rumoured to be a forgotten civilisation of magical, elemental beings. But these are probably just fishermen's tales...

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