
The city of Amoxtaca is the provincial capital of the island of Eastsun. The original settlement of Amoxtaca was founded around 6,300 AB, and has the longest contiguous population in the D'Nalsi Islands.  


The oldest surviving structures in the city of Amoxtaca date back to roughly 6,300 years AB. According to historical records, the city was the local capital for an empire that spanned a large portion of the D'Nalsi Islands during its peak. Evidence suggests this empire likely fell sometime before The Collapse, though the city still held a considerable population.   Local legend suggests that during The Collapse, the swamp around Amoxtaca rose to cover the city. It is said that those who could survive underwater were able to flee the city, but most of Amoxtaca's residents were killed. The amount of relatively intact ancient remains found in the swamps surrounding the city provide some degree of confirmation for this legend, though it is difficult to say with any certainty if this were truly the cause.   Around 8,000 AB, the settlement of Rifjorda was established within the ruins of the city. Records from that time suggest that only a handful of structures had survived, and the swamps obscured the ruins below. The settlers of Rifjorda avoided the ancient structures, believing them to be haunted. As a result, these buildings were significantly more well-preserved, as the lack of outside interference prevented any damage that may have been caused by looters and explorers.   The settlement of Rifjorda would be spared from the chaos of the First Era War, only occasionally being used as a staging ground for D'Nalsi forces. Combat on the island during the subsequent Vesteus Crisis would uncover a number of additional structures around the settlement, including a number of pieces of Amoxtaca's outer wall. As archaeologists uncovered more of the ruins, the residents changed the settlement's name back to Amoxtaca in honor of what had been.