D'Nalsi Purple Crest

The D'Nalsi Purple Crest is the division of the D'Nalsi Military tasked with defending the Emperor and other important heads of state. Nearly all within the Purple Crest are stationed within the city of Kindros, the capital of the D'Nalsi Empire, though some select members are assigned to individuals, serving as personal escorts and bodyguards.  


The Purple Crest was founded in 4,236 AB (5E 23) alongside the rest of the D'Nalsi Military, during the establishment of the Third D'Nalsi Empire. Initially, their purpose was a combination of defense and espionage, though many of the latter responsibilities were later transferred to the Blue Crest following its establishment in 4,284 AB (5E 71). Following the Blue Crest's establishment, the Purple Crest did still engage in espionage activities, as all active operations were seen through to completion. as of 4,735 AB (6E 20), there are roughly only four remaining Purple Crest deep-cover operations.  

Operation Prune-Back

Operation Prune-Back was the largest espionage operation carried out by the Purple Crest and its worst failure, laying the groundwork for the transition of espionage activities to a separate division. The purpose of Operation Prune-Back was to quell dissent within the town of Hallowside, where a religious fundamentalism movement was gaining momentum within the populace. A number of Purple Crest assets had infiltrated the movement during its early stages, with more travelling to Hallowside to provide support. Posing as travellers and pilgrims, these new agents were dispersed throughout the town, attempting to sway the townspeople away from the movement's incendiary rhetoric. Unintentionally, the sudden swell of outsiders was used as proof by the movement's leader, High Priest Oridove, who began calling for direct violence against the newcomers.   On the 24th of Dectres, 4,280 AB (5E 67), eleven Purple Crest agents were killed by a mob of Oridove's loyalists after their presence in the town was discovered. Ten days later, on the 3rd of Threnzdar, a group of diplomats, escorted by a squad of Red Crest soldiers, arrived in the town with orders to extradite those responsible for the killings. In response, High Priest Oridove had the diplomats and soldiers executed, with their heads delivered to the nearby Fort Halfstone the following day. The resulting War of 46 Days was considered the end of Operation Prune-Back, as the conflict made the extremist movement more sympathetic to the people of Hallowside.