Death of Empress Dyaria

The assassination of Dyaria Wixtrom, Empress of D'Nalsi in 4,734 AB (6E 19) was the finale to a chaotic year within D'Nalsi politics. The previous year had seen the end to a number of brutal campaigns abroad which drained the archpelagic nation of its manpower and resources. The nation's expansionist ambitions had failed, leaving them weaker on the world's stage than they had been previously, a far cry from the Empire whose creation and collapsed marked the ends of eras. Her predecessor, her older brother Maximus, had abdicated the throne, only to disappear days later. When it was decided that Dyaria would succeed him, it was clear she was entering into a role that much of her subjects associated with the suffering they were forced to endure.   When word spread of her death, however, few were willing to accept the circumstances. The details surrounding her death were vague and oftentimes contradictory, a situation not helped by the D'Nalsi Purple Crest's efforts to conceal certain details from the public. As a result, conversations about her passing soon spread into the realm of the conspiratorial, with many agreeing that the Empire's leadership likely had some involvement in what transpired.  


Missing Body Theory

The Missing Body Theory hinges on the lack of information regarding the fate of the Empress' body. For previous emperors, their bodies were placed on display in public funerals, a chance for mourners to pay their respects to the dead. Yet, at time of writing, in the year since the Empress' death, no such funeral has been held. While Imperial officials have claimed the decision not to go forward with a funeral was due to an "attitude of hostility towards the late Empress" and concerns for the condition of her remains, some outside the Imperial capital have entertained the idea that her body is simply missing. This theory is supported by reports that the individuals responsible for the assassination were members of the Ventii. Ventii have been known to engage in a cultural practice known as Unsiharahnt, or "spoils of the dead", which involves taking the bodies of those they've killed for ritualistic purposes. Many who support this theory also question the purpose behind the Empire's insistence that the body is within their possession, when it would likely have attracted less attention to admit the Ventii had stolen her body from the start.  

Oligarch Theory

The Oligarch Theory centers less on the assassination itself, and more on its aftermath. As the Wixtrom family lacked any children, allowing Dyaria to succeed her brother over her brother's partner, Allesandra Stouvrou, raised concerns over the continued viability of the Imperial lineage. Dyaria was the fourth Emperor to be crowned without bearing children, and her death marked the end of the Wixtrom family, leaving the Empire without a clear successor. Rather than allow the Empire to descend into chaos and infighting, members of the Imperial Court quickly declared themselves the interim leadership, until the matter of succession could be resolved. The swiftness of their ascention left some to consider whether this had been the plan from the beginning. With the Imperial lineage dead and no clear successor to follow, the Imperial Court could begin laying the groundwork for abolishing the Empire altogether, replacing it with an oligarchy and removing the weaknesses of a sole leader. While the change was largely harmless to average citizens, the methods by which the opportunity was created has created a point of concern, leaving many anxious over the lengths the Imperial Court might go should their control and influence falter.