
The goblorcs are a hybridization of goblins and orcs that first appeared during the Lithos War. Goblorcs are the result of genetic experimentation performed by scientists within the Sanumic Combine as part of research efforts to create a self-replenishing army. After the Lithos War, surviving goblorcs were granted aid and reparations by the United Coalition of Allied Nations (UCAN), with the former capital of the Combine being rebuilt into a permanent home for the goblorc people.  


Despite early success in the Lithos War, the leadership within the Sanumic Combine understood that their current tactics and military composition were limiting factors to their success. Their army had been constructed around the idea of quickly sweeping over opposition, and would be unable to survive in prolonged siege warfare or drawn out campaigns. The Combine would need additional manpower to compensate, though the thought of allowing their own soldiers to die in grueling campaigns was extremely unpopular.   To this end, the genetic research divisions of the Sanumic Combine set about studying racial hybridization, with the goal of creating a new race that could be used to supplement their soldiers on the battlefield. The exact specifications of the project remain unknown, though based upon which results were considered successes or failures, the project seemed to prioritize hybrids with short reproductive and maturation periods, which would allow for "continuous biological reinforcements", for lack of a better term.   One of the project's "accomplishments" was the stabilization of a goblin/orc hybrid. While the two races are naturally able to reproduce, the resulting offspring is the same race as the mother, with minor superficial differences (eye color, hair color, etc.) being inherited from the father. The Combine's research had created a true hybrid, closer in line with the many different half-races of elves and humanoids.   When the Lithos War ended, the newly-assembled United Coalition of Allied Nations helped re-settle the goblorcs on the island of Sanuma, the former heart of the Sanumic Combine. UCAN also provided financial and material aid to the goblorc people to help them establish themselves as an independent group.