
Nexus is the largest city in the D'Nalsi Empire, with a population of nearly 6 million residing within its walls. The city is built as a series of circular sections, known as districts, each separated by a wall of varying thickness depending on the bordering regions. In recent years, as numerous provinces of the D'Nalsi Empire have been declaring independence, the city has also opened its gates to thousands of refugees, much to the frustration and chagrin of many of the city's wealthier residents.  


Nexus was founded at the center of a region known as the Great Empty, a large circular clearing caused by the Eladrin's sudden and forceful return to Yrnath proper during the Second Era. The land had been first colonized in the years following the defeat of the Eladrin during the Slaves' Revolt, however the settlement was abandoned at some point during the early Third Era. The region would be left largely untouched until the War of the Divide, which saw the nations of Sok and Cada come to blows for the final time in history. Following the end of the conflict, a considerable amount of soldiers had been camped in the forests around the Great Empty, and instead of attempting to redeploy the exhausted forces, they simply decided to settle where they were. As the soldiers had come from all parts of the D'Nalsi Islands, the new settlement was seen as a nexus for the many cultures present, earning the town its name.  


The city is divided into eight rings, one for each of the eight cultures that founded the town. Each ring contains one district, with each district designed to serve its own unique purpose. This has resulted in each district feeling like its own separate settlement, as the atmosphere and aesthetic of each ring is heavily influenced by its purpose and residential makeup.  

The Governance District

The central ring of the city is home to the Governance District. This district houses all government buildings, as well as the residences of the Provincial Governor and other crucial personnel.  

The Palace District

The Palace District sits directly outside of the Governance District, and is home to the many opulent residences of the city's wealthy elite. This region is also home to an area known as Embassy Row, which houses an array of embassies for the diplomats of friendly and neutral countries.  

The Homestead District

Just beyond the Palace District lies the Homestead District, an area populated with a vast array of townhouses and suburban-esque construction. Those that live here tend to be of considerable wealth, but either cannot afford or are not interested in a residence in the Palace District.  

The Living District

The Living District, in the fourth ring of Nexus, is the heart and soul of Nexus itself. A majority of the city's population lives here, in high-rise multi-family units and apartment complexes, as well as a number of smaller homes.  

The Coin District

The Coin District lies between the commercial and residential areas of the city, and is filled to the brim with recreational activities and businesses. From casinos and concerts to bowling and billiards, this region has something for everyone, especially those looking to make a few extra coins.  

The Merchant District

The Merchant District is home to the second largest year-round open-air market, as well as a vast array of shops selling all kinds of supplies and goods. Those who own a stationary shop here tend to live above their stores to reduce the amount of travel between the districts.  

The Traveler District

A city of this size needs a place for travelers to stay, especially thanks to the tourism the Coin District generates. With a variety of hotels and accommodations around every corner, this region more than the rest is a melting pot of cultural and interpersonal exchanges.  

The Forge District

Most of the non-edible goods sold in the Merchant District are produced in the dozens of factories located within the Forge District. From weapons and armor to construction equipment and carriages, if it can be built by mortal hands there is a factory in the Forge District equipped to produce it.  

The Slums

The outermost wall of the city was designed to appear impossibly thick to deter invaders from breaching the wall. The wall actually is a pair of walls with significant room between them, to provide room to station additional military personnel should the outer section of the wall be breached, while still shielding the residents of the city from the fighting. Since the late Sixth Era, however, this space between the walls has been used as a makeshift ninth district known as the Slums, filled with shantytowns and lean-tos for the homeless residents of the city. The problem has only gotten worse in recent years, as a sudden influx of displaced residents from the frontier territories has caused the population within this area to balloon. This sudden jump in population has left many of the district's existing residents feeling frustrated, believing that the city is doing more for the refugees than for them.