Order of the Greenfoot

The Order of the Greenfoot is an extranational organization centered around conserving nature and ending food inequality. The organization's work spans most continents of Yrnath, working with local leadership to establish nature preserves and public gardens. As of 4,735 AB (6E 20), the Order of the Greenfoot is over 240,000 volunteers strong.  


During the late Fifth Era, as the nations of the world were finally reaching the societal progress reached prior to the Lithos War, many of the societal problems that led to the Wars of Shattered Blades began to reappear, frustrating many who had hoped the world might have learned from the mistakes of the past. Sir Alerion Vystratta, an outspoken critic of the post-war Rethi government, watched as the new government marched forward, ignorant of the damages being caused or peril that awaited it.   Chief among Vystratta's complaints was his concern over Reth's rapid industrialization. The increase in technological advancement came at the cost of Prozes' natural resources, with large forests being toppled for their lumber and large rivers being drained and dammed for their water. Vystratta saw the land being drained, and watched as the people began to drain as well. Food shortages started to increase, as the lack of water led to lower crop yields and thinner herds. The link between nature and civilization became Vystratta's focus, and he was determined to fix the damage caused by Reth's overindustrialization.   To that end, he formed the Order of the Greenfoot, a small band of farmers and politicians determined to undo the damage. From planting trees and crops to aiding food distribution and blocking deforestation, the Greenfoots took every measure necessary to show the people of Reth the alternative. As more people joined with the organization, their message spread beyond Reth's borders, though their mission never faltered. Today, Reth is recognized as a pioneer in holistic, nature-centric industry and innovation, thanks in large part to the efforts of Vystratta and his Greenfoot allies.