Ring of Sure Step

The Ring of Sure Step is an enchanted ring bearing a minor enchantment meant to increase balance. The ring was an invention of Ichos' Grand Magistral Court, and was initially given to elder members of the Court to protect them from falling. Aging, combined with the added physical stress caused by repeatedly channeling large amounts of arcane energy, often made the Court members' bodies frail and weak, leaving them highly susceptible to serious bodily injuries from otherwise mundane incidents. Following an assassination attempt on one Council member, the enchantment was found to have a double use, as wearing the ring seemed to ensure every step would land safely, even in dangerously slippery or otherwise difficult terrain.   As arcanotechnology progressed, artificers were able to design large arcane factories capable of mass-producing relatively simple enchanted artifacts. While most factories are designed to produce common-use magic items, such as Bellehop Disks or Greater Sending Stones, the Court requested a factory be constructed that could produce these rings. Once the factory was completed, all artificers who built the factory mysteriously disappeared. While many point blame at the Court, they continue to deny any involvement.   As of 6E 20, the nation of Ichos remains the only source for Rings of Sure Step, as the Grand Magistral Court has demonstrated a willingness to use pressure to ensure none are able to replicate the enchantments. Thanks to Ichos' position within the United Coalition of Allied Nations, combined with their close economic partnerships with other member nations through the Arcaneum Federation, the Court is able to exert considerable economic and legal force should any arcanists or artificers attempt to replicate their trade secrets.  


Ring of Sure Step
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)

While you wear this ring, moving through difficult terrain doesn't cost extra movement.