The Crows

The Crows are a pseudo-guild organization operating out of the city of Libisson, the capital city of Izuth. Due to the Izuthi government's law banning the establishment of "criminal guilds", the Crows do not operate as an official part of the larger mercenary guild networks, though many other organizations and guilds recognize their presence on Izuth. The guild itself was formed in the aftermath of the Izuthi War for Independence, and was created in response to the aggressive expansion of the wealthy class' power and influence in the fledgeling government. As of writing, the guild continues to challenge and disrupt the authority of Izuth's Great Houses, frequently engaging in skirmishes with Great House militias in the streets of Libisson.  


In the aftermath of the Izuthi War for Independence, an ad hoc government was constructed to oversee the immediate post-war reconstruction period, with plans to implement a more stable system once the immediate crises were addressed. As those crises were being solved, however, many nobles from the pre-war government who allied themselves with Izuth began to organize their own replacement government, one funded and controlled by the same families and houses that dominated pre-war politics. Revolutionary leaders attempted to oppose their rise, though their counter-movements found little support as many within Izuth that had already suffered through one brutal war sided with the noble families in a bid to avoid a second one.   The largest counter-movement came in the form of the Crows, an organization of veterans and mercenaries led by generals who were instrumental in securing Izuth's independence. Rather than attempting to stop the nobles from establishing their replacement government, they instead allowed the government to form, and utilized their skills to demonstrate the nobles' weaknesses. The nobility, frustrated at the repeated attacks against their houses, attempted to have the leadership of the Crows arrested and executed, though their attempts were thwarted by the United Coalition of Allied Nations (UCAN), as the Crows were registered as an official mercenary guild and were therefore operating outside the legal jurisdiction of the Izuthi government.   To counteract this, the Izuthi government outlawed the establishment of guilds they deemed as "engaging in, advocating, or supporting organized criminal activities", banning any thieves, assassins, or mercenaries' guilds from Izuth. The UCAN, in response, stripped Izuth of its ability to apply for UCAN membership until the ban is revoked, and all guilds within the island nation disbanded in protest. The support from both the UCAN and other guilds within Izuth invigorated the Crows' leadership, with financial assistance from the now-disbanded guilds allowing the Crows to continue applying pressure to Izuth's Great Houses.