Treaty of Vokk-Kaelec

Treaty of Vokk-Kaelec

The Treaty of Vokk-Kaelec was an agreement between the Yannastrian Covenant and the Vulrahmi Imperium, overseen and enforced by the Draconic High Council. The term vokk-kaelec is the draconic phrase for "honored guest", though can also be literally translated as "house-friend". The treaty was meant to ward off potential conflict between the burgeoning superpowers, as both the Yannastrian Covenant and Vulrahmi Imperium viewed the other as a potential threat to their technological dominance. The treatly was successful in delaying the inevitable conflict between the two groups, and would later be the basis upon which the later Elysian Armistice was built.  


Having emerged from the faewild onto a world of primitive life, the eladrin of the Yannastrian Covenant assumed for centuries that their power over their territory would be absolute. It wasn't until the mid-7,000s PB that they would encounter their first potential rival in the dwarves of the Vulrahmi Imperium. Despite lacking the technological and cultural advantages afforded to the eladrin, the Vulrahmi were able to construct massive underground fortresses, filled with impressive and powerful arcane machines. Their technology, combined with the speed at which they grew to rival the eladrin, was of significant concern to Yannastrian leadership, who wanted to reaffirm their dominance through the subjugation of the dwarves.   Unsurprisingly, the Vulrahmi Imperium were unwilling to comply with the eladrins' demands for surrender, and began preparing for outright war instead. Thanks to the technological advancements granted to them by their use of stonescript, the runic language of power created by dwarven forgemasters, they were able to quickly outfit an entire army, a feat the eladrin were simply unable to manage. Despite their shortcomings, the eladrin likewise refused to surrender, and were instead preparing to make do with what they could muster for the time being.   The Draconic High Council, overseeing this sudden rise in hostilities, decided that action was necessary to avert catastrophe. Representatives of the council were dispatched to Yannastrian and Vulrahmi leadership to offer a diplomatic solution, one that would be overseen by the council to ensure fairness. Both sides agreed to the terms, and met within the draconic capital of Vokk-Tō, where the Treaty of Vokk-Kaelec would be ratified.  


The primary purpose of the treaty was to ensure no direct conflict would ever occur between the Yannastrian Covenant and the Vulrahmi Imperium. To that end, the treaty forbade the establishment of official or quasi-official armed forces, except for the purpose of defending one's own territory. The treaty also forbade the research and development of new weapons, or "any technology which could, over the course of its development, be included in or modified to become a weapon without also invalidating its original purpose, design, or intent". While vague, outlawing weapon-adjacent technologies was intended as a safeguard to prevent either side from developing technologies that could carry out an indirect conflict.   To ensure cooperation with the terms of the agreement, the Draconic High Council afforded both the Yannastrian and Vulrahmi leaders the privilege to appoint representatives to the council, a privilege only one other group (the oni of the Xandrazc Republic) would receive. These representatives would be allowed to vote on decisions that pertained to matters that impacted their peoples, and would act as provincial governors over their own districts of Vokk-Tō, akin to the Lords of the Eight Clans.