Vantus Beetle

The vantus beetle is a species of beetle native to the Faewild. The vantus beetles are easily identifiable by their pitch-black shells that seem to absorb and bend light around them. Vantus beetles are also known to reside on the Prime Material, though vantus shells lack the light warping properties on the Prime. Their hard shells are popular both with jewelry crafters and armorsmiths, as the light absorption property of the shell help other jewelry pieces stand out more predominantly and help armor blend in with the shadows.  


Vantus beetles resemble large stag beetles with an abyss-black carapace. The light warping properties of their shells can often obfuscate the true size of the beetle, a trait the vantus beetles rely on as a form of defense from smaller predators.  



Newly hatched vantus beetles tend to be around one centimeter in length, and grow at a rate of roughly two centimeters a week. By the time they reach their full size, they will be anywhere from 0.5 meters to 1 meter (or ~1.5 to 3 feet) in length.  


Vantus beetles are herbivores, feeding off the native plantlife in the Faewild. As much of the plantlife within the Faewild has latent arcane energy, the vantus beetle's diet is what gives their shells light warping properties. This is also why vantus beetles that reside on the Prime Material lack their shell's unique properties, as their altered diet lacks the energies required to properly infuse their shells with arcane energies.  


Vantus beetles are commonly raised for their shells, as the chitin that comprises them is commonly utilized to craft armor and jewelry by expert smiths. Vantus chitin is added to jewelry alongside less reflective stones, as the lightless void helps to accentuate the stones. In armor, the vantus chitin's light absorbing properties allow the wearer to better blend in with dark environments, and has also been shown to enhance the effectiveness of invisibility enchantments.