Agaparan Species in Yukiverse | World Anvil


Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Some Agapari name examples are: Kyra, Angyla, and Beela for females. Intersex names: Nyro, Oza, and Zyn. Male names: Jyn, Jozua, Zaylan.

Major Organizations

Nya Dynasty


Agapari culture hit a boom after a resource war between the various city-state nations on the planet reached a period of devastating escalation. In the shadow of mutually assured destruction, the Agapari discovered a far more stable energy source that catapulted their society into the space age and beyond.   Sadly this same salvation has painted a target on their head as the photokinetic quartz of Agapara known as "qadyrium" has become a highly sought-after resource and many conquerors have begun to put their eye to the planet.  

Society and culture

  A society of scholars with a noble bearing, the upper echelons of their society believe strongly in providing for and protecting those under their banner. For this instinct the common folk of Agapara trust their nobles with their lives, creating a warrior's spirit in the young nobles.   The effects of the discovery of qadyrium propelled Agaparan technology far beyond what is expected of most pre-space faring species. Thereby many of cultural and aesthetic staples of its equivalent middle ages perservered. Pyramids, temples, swords and spears charged with qadyrium energy, all are common sights on Agapara.  


  While common Agapari live well under the advancements of their technology there are many roles to fulfill in ensuring the smooth operation of life in the nation states. The attacks from aspiring conquerors disrupt the flow of society in many places and sadly many common Agapari have tried to flee to safer havens in the stars. Nobles stay to defend their home save for the youngest sons and daughters who are often shepherded away to new worlds to ensure the bloodlines remain intact should the worst come to pass.

Common Myths and Legends

The Agapari worshipped many deities before its spacefaring age, but the most common was Gwipa, a Goddess of energy and prosperity.


Average height

Hair color

Black, brown, blonde, blue, red, magenta
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

Brown, tan, red

Grey, blue, lavender, and red

Pigmented markings around the forehead and eyes and mixed hair colors


Agapari, Chuulugi
Galactica scale


90 years

First appearance

"The Slave girl"