
History and politics

Comaxi were encountered during a period of their cultures agricultural bloom. The first encounter with the species that would become known as Comaxi occurred in the agricultural belt of their desert world, where explorers encountered the relatively peaceful and herbivorous reptiles tending to livestock and largely residing in great walled city states that protected them from predators. Researchers took this civilizations name as the name for all examples of the species however it soon became clear that Comaxi had experienced a dimophic growth among their species. While Comaxi farmers and livestock tenders took the name Comaxi, a word meaning To Provide, a warrior breed of Comaxi lived in the desert hunting and protecting the city states as a ruling class. What researchers believed to be raids by a rival species turned out to be the social interaction between the Comaxi and their Comazu warrior caste. Comazu warriors had adapted themselves to survive the deserves, hunting and killing the massive insects and predator species that resided in the sands. Their herbivorous diet had become omnivorous and their appetites for action and satisfaction had grown. When Comazu hunters came to the city states they took livestock, raped Comaxi they found appealing, and those young Comaxi that fought back and survived were taken to be raised as Comazu.   Comazu hunters became valued as pirate muscle once the planet was charted and Comazu cheiftains began a slave trade, selling docile Comaxi to pirate captains that would also employ a Comazu task master.   An unfortunate side effect of this spread of the Comaxi to the galaxy has been exposing the galaxy to a parasitic tick that some homeworld Comaxi carry, in rare cases Comaxi infected with the tick become what the locals call Comati, or Those Who Devour, insane cannibals mutated by diseases carried by the tick. It is unknown if other species can be infected with the Comati virus.  


  Comaxi as a species are bipedial reptilian hominids with three fingers on each of their their two hands and two front facing talon like clawed toes with a third backfacing padded toe for support. Comaxi can track family lineage by the colored markings on their dusty yellow, brown or grey scales due to the pattern of the colored scales and the color aswell. They have long whiplike tails that grow thick as a reserve for fat to help with water retention and balance.    

Society and culture

Spacefaring Comaxi are usually of the warrior caste known on their homeworld as Comazu, they are aggressive, resourceful, brutal, and stingy for the most part as a result of residing in the harsh deserts. True Comaxi exist as a servant class in the galaxy at large, usually in agricultural fields and hospitality sections. Comaxi that are not born on their homeworld often endure a period during puberty where their genetic disposition forces them to either become docile like True Comaxi or violent like Comazu, many a station have become wrecked by gangs of teenage Comaxi raising hell with the warband instinct.    


  Individuals outside of the caste system can be a strange mixed bag. Comaxi bounty hunters tend to have the customer service instinct of docile comaxi mixed with the money grubbing and savagery of Comazu. While Comaxi strippers can be the sweetest romances and most durable painsluts but as likely to blow your mind sexually as with a pistol.    


  Comaxi naming traditions go back centuries and are engrained in hundreds of cultures and customs, as broad and diverse as any species. But to a Human, at first glance, their first names sound like truncated Therapod names, and their surnames sound a bit like Mongolian weapons with an 's' at the end.     Name Examples: Allorus Kaibas Tyrius Jadas Velocis Tsurkas Deinchus Garbuus

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Comaxi as a species are bipedial reptilian hominids with three fingers on each of their their two hands and two front facing talon like clawed toes with a third backfacing padded toe for support. Comaxi can track family lineage by the colored markings on their dusty yellow, brown or grey scales due to the pattern of the colored scales and the color aswell. They have long whiplike tails that grow thick as a reserve for fat to help with water retention and balance.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Comaxi senses are enhanced, relying on sharp sight and smell enhanced by their sensitive tongues that taste the very air they stalk.   That said, they're less talented when it comes to hearing. And due to their thick scales feature less sensitive skin.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Comaxi naming traditions go back centuries and are engrained in hundreds of cultures and customs, as broad and diverse as any species. But to a Human, at first glance, their first names sound like truncated Therapod names, and their surnames sound a bit like Mongolian weapons with an 's' at the end.   Name Examples: Allorus Kaibas   Tyrius Jadas   Velocis Tsurkas   Deinchus Garbuus

Major Organizations



Comaxi were encountered during a period of their cultures agricultural bloom. The first encounter with the species that would become known as Comaxi occurred in the agricultural belt of their desert world, were explorers encountered the relatively peaceful and herbivorous reptiles tending to livestock and largely residing in great walled city states that protected them from predators. Researchers took this civilizations name as the name for all examples of the species however it soon became clear that Comaxi had experienced a dimophic growth among their species. While Comaxi farmers and livestock tenders took the name Comaxi, a word meaning To Provide, a warrior breed of Comaxi lived in the desert hunting and protecting the city states as a ruling class. What researchers believed to be raids by a rival species turned out to be the social interaction between the Comaxi and their Comazu warrior caste. Comazu warriors had adapted themselves to survive the deserves, hunting and killing the massive insects and predator species that resided in the sands. Their herbivorous diet had become omnivorous and their appetites for action and satisfaction had grown. When Comazu hunters came to the city states they took livestock, raped Comaxi they found appealing, and those young Comaxi that fought back and survived were taken to be raised as Comazu.   Comazu hunters became valued as pirate muscle once the planet was charted and Comazu cheiftains began a slave trade, selling docile Comaxi to pirate captains that would also employ a Comazu task master.   An unfortunate side effect of this spread of the Comaxi to the galaxy has been exposing the galaxy to a parasitic tick that some homeworld Comaxi carry, in rare cases Comaxi infected with the tick become what the locals call Comati, or Those Who Devour, insane cannibals mutated by diseases carried by the tick. It is unknown if other species can be infected with the Comati virus.   Spacefaring Comaxi are usually of the warrior caste known on their homeworld as Comazu, they are aggressive, resourceful, brutal, and stingy for the most part as a result of residing in the harsh deserts. True Comaxi exist as a servant class in the galaxy at large, usually in agricultural fields and hospitality sections. Comaxi that are not born on their homeworld often endure a period during puberty where their genetic disposition forces them to either become docile like True Comaxi or violent like Comazu, many a station have become wrecked by gangs of teenage Comaxi raising hell with the warband instinct.


Average height

Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

Dusty earth-tone scales with dull color markings around the face and chest.

Amber to gold with incredibly rare red and green varieties

Raptor-like, with feathers on the back of their heads


Silvarik (capable of Chuluggi)
Galactica scale


75 years
Geographic Distribution

First appearance

"The Slave girl" (mentioned)
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