Narn Species in Yukiverse | World Anvil


A slave race of blue humanoids. A pre-space-faring species from a world filled with jungle-like oases and harsh deserts.  

History and politics

Most of Narnite culture was tribal, while a few reached civilized developments. They were uplifted from their world by the Kaechulugg and brought into slavery before ever gaining space-faring status.   For centuries they were selectively bred for attractivity and servitude and were almost entirely relegated to the Territories. Though over the years refugees and freed slaves made their way to the Allied Galactica. Many there had families of their own, and only in the past 50 years had they gained minor citizen status and named a Type I species on the Galactica scale.   Despite this, 89% of Narnites are some form of slave or indentured servant in both Allied and Territory space. It’s a view many Narnites hope to overcome, and yet it is the profession most welcoming to their kind. To many Pirate and Allied species, owning Narnites for their service or pleasure is a cultural right, a staple of wealth and status. It’s not stereotypical to assume that a Narn has a Master.   There have been several Narnite liberation groups throughout the Galaxy, and few follow any hierarchy or chain of command given their short life span.   In 2213, the first and last true Narnite Rebellion was led by Skya (later known as Skya Va'brolzak), which reverberated throughout many systems for the three years it was active. Gaining rapid attention and notoriety in Allied Galactica media before her disappearance. The AG Department of Influence Operations quickly throttled any discussion of Narn, of Skya, and of the Narnite Rebellion shortly after in all galactinet frequencies in the interest of co-existence with the Territories, where it was well known to insiders she was taken and enslaved by System Lord Soddorom , given the name Skya Se’oddorom. Her descendant, Lelu was sold to System Lord Yrasaak. Now named Lelu L‘asaaks, she’s ranked #1 in pornstar popularity in both Allied and Territory frequencies.   Though the Narnite Rebellion ended with a whimper, and to those who knew of its leader: humiliation, there remain sanctuaries in the Galaxy for Narnites and advocacy groups. Though the objectification and lust for the species is one of those immutable facts of the Galaxy. Like Silvarian wealth, Pagh virility, or Daimyar pride.  

Society and culture

Little is known about Narnite culture before they were discovered by the Kaechulugg. Archeologists with the Allied Galactica have been routinely denied entry to the Narn system by Soddorom’s forces, but Territory archeologists in cooperation with the AGF report a population divided into thousands of tribal cultures, with three burgeoning Bronze Age Empires in its Southernmost continent, each devastated by the arrival of the Kaechulugg by various energy weapons.  


BordeauxBlack improvised sort of a subtle Irish in her performance as a Narn.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Name examples: (Last name contains the name of their Master. Be it historical or present.)
  • Belu Se’oddorom (F)
  • Nahve O'xonat (F)
  • Elys Ze'toa (F)
  • Layn N'zuggata (F/M)
  • Selar Mai'vargo (M)
  • Nevak A'zaltoni (M)
  • Ayu Tu'pythis (M)

  • Classification

    Average height

    Hair color

    Black, silver, blue, red, violet
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

    Various shades of blue

    Yellow, blue, magenta, to red


    Galactica scale


    90 years
    Geographic Distribution

    First appearance

    "The Slave Girl"