Universal Morality

Universal morality has been the subject of philosophical debate since the first contact between species. Whether it exists, whether one species can be correct, if it's relative to each species or if there are truths applicable to all sentient life.   As with any philosophical debate on morality, the discussions and writings have influenced law from the Allied Galactica to Sovereign and Pirate space. With many species in agreement over certain conclusions and others not. Stances on the value of life, on the equality of different species, and which form of government or enterprise is fair to its people differ vastly from system to system, even within Allied and Territory space.   Most of Allied Space conforms to a "general safety for all" policy that all species, individuals, and possessions are protected by law enforcement and military.   Generally, the values of space can be sorted by Allied and Territories, with Allied space valuing personal safety and Territory space valuing "total freedom" (which includes the freedom to restrict freedoms).  
  I've traveled everywhere from the Galactica to the Territories for a living for the past twenty years, that's a lot for a Sadiriak. And nothing gets under my skin more than hearing my fellow cozy Allied species complain about how "oppressed" they feel. How few freedoms the system governments allow them to have, and how the Allied Galactica's goal is to strip away their individuality.   Listen terries, there is nothing more terrifying than going to another world, meeting a new species, and not knowing their customs. You wish the Allied Galactica would respect every species' tradition and tolerate their beliefs? Here's a few:   Daimyar warriors can kill anyone they want. For any reason. That's for getting their order wrong, for not saluting when they pass you on by, or for taking too long in the bathroom. The Blixhan think anything under three feet tall isn't sentient and will eat it. Doesn't matter if it talks. The Xocree will "mark" anything that's theirs, I'll spare you on the how. Laxmi see all forms of physical contact as sexual violence and will scream bloody murder. I can do this all day.   Every species have a list of taboos and privileges no one individual without extensive training can hope to keep together, and each think they're special enough that theirs has to be the default. Visiting their worlds is dangerous enough if you're not familiar. But on planets where they're all lumped together? Without strict laws: it's fucking chaos.   Some Allied worlds are a little restrictive and are partial to customs close to their own, some condemn entire sets of behaviors in a public setting, and that's a shame. But on Pirate worlds? Their governments couldn't give a damn about any misunderstandings and violence. Each species' moral center stacks up, cancels each other out, and leads to this collective numbing of any morality or rules in the Galaxy.   The only thing all species have in common is that they're looking out for their own continued existence. What's allowed in this pursuit differs depending on who you ask; some say anything, and some put other things above it. All any government can do is enforce their safety. Not everyone will be happy, but they'll be alive, able to practice their custom in private and explore opportunities to better their lives in the narrow parameters given.   So don't you ever say the Federation does nothing. Because if one planet respects your freedom to pray to Sarigar in public, they might also respect a Marogi's freedom to rip your throat out for not praying to their Blood Emperor instead.  
  • Captain Dz P'zaron of the CS N'bullk