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Aether Theory

Aether Theory is a branch of Magic Theory that deals with explaining the properties and mechanisms of Aether through models. This discipline is more concentrated on the manifestation of spells. In practice, most Magic Theorist do not subscribe to individual theories as their only appraoch, but instead different schools have their own combinations of these theories they integrate into their research and practice.  

Aether Weave Model

  The Aether Weave Model theorizes that the Aether is much like a "fabric" consisting of "strings" that serves as its basic unit. It is from these strings that we can knit together spells or magical properties. The access to the weave is define by the connection of an area to the Astral Plane as these strings bleed through the adjacencies between the Astral Sea and other planes. It presents itself to beings for their use, and it flows throughout the world, touching almost every corner of existence, with exception of dead-magic zones. This means that the processes of spellcasting are ways to tap into these strings of Aether. The relation of the processes, strings, and outcomes are still being debated and following are well known theories:  
  • Configuration: According to religious scholars, these strings are managed by an extraplanar entity, such as Corellon, or any extraplanar force found in the Astral Sea. This means that the entity or force has configured the strings to produce certain outcomes when certain interactions are in place, hence the importance of components in spells. This could also explain how some spell outcomes changed overtime , as the entity/force changed these configurations to prevent exploitations.
  • Sounds: George Grovenfield was an Izzet engineer that had interests in music and bardic magic. He performed an experiment that involved hollowed cups with strings attached to the bottom. He discovered that sound has the ability to travel through string as it vibrates through it. This led his proposal that certain sounds, or even language, that activates these aetheric strings. This explains why spells function have the ability to function on verbal and somatic components alone, while it is purely possible to have a spell composed of only material components. This may also explain why tuning forks are used in Planar Travel rituals.
  • Deific Connection: Ecclesiarch Giuseppe II proposed that connections to these strings are only possible through the direct assistance of a Deity. Regardless of the religiousness or spirituality of an individual, they are able to cast spells if they're executing the tenets of the Deity concerned. For example, we can look at the case of the Rock Gnomes, devoid of morality and faith. They are still able to utilize their magic as it is the will of the deities of murder and slavery. Although this theory is dismissed by many practitioners, it has a following among religious chapters in the Imperium.

Psychic Potential Theory

  The Psychic Potential Theory was proposed by Zomaj Hauc, a revered Izzet scientist. He claims that the brain produces chemicals that interact with Aether that creates the outputs of spellcasting. Specifically, the verbal and somatic components are the ones that jump-starts the chemical production. This can explain why different verbal components of a ceremony spell can remain consistent across different cultures. It is the brain perceiving a similar stimulus due to their intent of the spell.   He attempted to prove this theory with what he dubs as the Mage Monkey experiment. It involves a group of 5 monkeys drugged with a potion of bestial suggestion and a control group of depanned monkeys that had their brains rendered crippled except for their motor functions. He then forced both groups to perform the components of the firebolt spell. This resulted in four of the five drugged monkeys being able to cast the spell, while none from the control group were able to cast it. This a breakthrough in itself as this was the first recorded instance that a monkey was able to cast spells, but this was beside the point. Zomaj was able to bring a correlate the function of the brain and spell casting. Predictably, this experiment was not well received, even by his staunchest of supporters. Many criticize his work that it was only merely a correlative study, which was not strong enough evidence for these chemical productions in the brain. In fact, Zomaj admits that he is still unaware of the specific chemical that causes the phenomena. Others also discredit him as it is know that Zomaj was, and still is, suspected for dementia.   Regardless, the unethical experiment aroused the attentions of the people and the Izzet University. He was protected by his incredible works, so he was only banned from further pursuing this theory and the use of live animals. The Simic bioengineer he hired was also barred from further practice and fired from the Combine.  

Aether Mutability Property

  Prior to the Mage Monkey Experiment, Zomaj was able to propose a more respected aspect of Aether Theory. This was the Aether Mutability Property. He claims that main property of Aether is that it can convert itself from energy into matter and vice versa provided it is given the proper catalysts. Aether is then both energy and matter. Many arcane practitioners have come to accept this as highly probable, even without the experimentation. As of 129 ES, the Izzet University is still finding ethical ways to prove this property of Aether.    

Theory of Manifestation

  The Theory of Manifestation is a popular explanation for the Dwerver. They claim that thought and belief can shape the fabric of reality. When one believes that the Aether is one thing, then it shall form to be such thing. In terms of anti-magics like counterspell, this is done by reinforcing the reality and immutability of the world. Like a door being slammed in the mage's face, magical effects dissipate and the mage is unable to reshape a suddenly stubborn world. Not much more is known to other races about this theory as many have dismissed its probability. It's abstract and almost spiritual approach had also made it unappealing for other academic scholars.  

Component Transaction Theory

  The Component Transaction Theory was proposed by Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun in the years of Aevum Dividum. He theorizes that our components act as a form of currency or offering to the handler of the Aether. He had no other proof for such, except for a personal account. Being one of the few that have the ability to perform Astral Projection during this period, many have come to trust his word and this idea continues to be explored in Blackstaff Tower by his followers.
Metaphysical, Arcane

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