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Yulara is one of the planets of the Material Plane and the third planet from the Sun. It is also orbited by a moon named Selunia. It is currently speculated that there may be other habitable planets and suns other than our own. However, this theory is highly dismissed by the temple of Pelor.  


Yulara consists of multiple continents and archipelagos scattered throughout the world which is about 35% of the Planet. The remaining 65% is covered with water, mostly by salt-water bodies. Much of Yulara remains unexplored and, possibly, untouched by sentient life. Another interesting feature is the biodiversity in the underground system of the world, which is aptly named the Underdark.  


  • Valia: This continent is found in the northwestern part of Yulara. It is inhabited by the Tieflings, Genasi, and the races of the Templum Divinatus, Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Dragonborns, and Gnomes. The continent is a host of international powers such as the Imperium, Ravnica, and the Heyhill Trading Company.
  • Qarat Alwuhshu: This landmass is a supercontinent called by the Valians as the Continent of Beasts. It can be found southeast of Valia when sailing through Umberlee's Crossing. Qarat (KA-rat) is inhabited by a of variety beastkin such as Tabaxi, Minotaurs, Centaurs, Kenku and Tortles. It is diverse in cultures and religious beliefs that differ greatly from one another. Its current international powers are Amonkhet and Broker Coast.
  • Jötunnfold: Known as the Land of Giants, Jötunnfold is a hardly explored landmass as many travelers are unwelcomed by its inhabitants. The continent is populated by the many races of Giantkin. What keeps them isolated in their homeland remains unknown. Jötunnfold is found in the southern hemisphere of Yulara.
  • Ankharam Isles: This tropical archipelago is known to by sailors as a nest for Sea Raiders, Pirates, and Privateers. Ankharam can be found further south of Valia. Many of their rulers are Pirate lords that routinely plunder in Umberlee's Crossing.
  • Kasium: It was once a distant land that the Dragonborn have shared friendship with over centuries. However, the events of Ruire's Upheaval led to a falling out and have since severed their ties with Valia. All information on Kasium and its inhabitants sank with the Xiruk Fields. Nothing else is known of these people beside stories of their powerful minds and spirits.
  • Auriga: It was only recently discovered by the explorer Aurelius Gaius that there was land in the far west of Valia. It still remains unexplored as Aurelius' fleet had to escape a swarm of gigantic wyverns. Many adventurers have tried to map the continent, but only few returned.
  • Cortezian Archipelago: East of Qarat is large clump of islands inhabited exotic fauna and flora. According to Amonkhet legends, the Cortezian Archipelago is the home of a City of Gems and treasures.
  • Axotl: South West of Valia is where one can find a continent covered in rainforests and ancient civilizations. Axotl is one of the continents that the Imperium attempted to colonize, but was repelled by the Snake People that call these untamed lands home.





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