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Asphodel Anastos

The youngest child of the powerful Anastos family, of the Anastos Trading Company, Asphodel grew up in an extremely hostile environment due to her being a tiefling in a human family. She was allowed to leave only when her grandparents died and she was sent away. Later learning how to work with weapons and gunpowder, she made her way into piracy by joining The Terror and eventually becoming the ship’s Master Gunner. After the total destruction of the ship and it’s crew, Asphodel took to wandering with no real destination in mind, constantly plagued by questions about why her found family and home were so violently taken from her.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Asphodel has the typically sharp and noble features that are found in the Anastos family. It is worth noting that her features are very similar to those of her brother, Kazimir, and her parents, Kreios and Desma. Were she human (and based on looks alone), she and Kazimir could nearly pass as twins.

Identifying Characteristics

Asphodel has black horns that curve over the top of her head, with the tips reaching to the back of her head and pointing upwards. Her eyes are yellow-gold and have no irises, and she has taken to rimming them in kohl since she has spent so much time on the sea. She prefers to keep her lips dark, for looks and because she knows it makes her smile more intimidating. Asphodel’s hands are also heavily calloused and dexterous from working with guns and other weaponry for years.

Apparel & Accessories

Asphodel loves her some gold. She always has a few bangles and rings on, likely taken from ships that were overpowered by The Terror, and is always on the lookout for more. She has several piercings in both ears and eyebrows, all either golden rings or studs, with one long gold earring in the shape of feathers. Asphodel has one special earring that she always wears as a memento: the fused wedding rings of Rav and Nessa. She also has her grandfather Xenon’s Anastos signet ring on a thin strip of leather around her neck, under her shirt.   Asphodel has a black leather coat with a very dark red trim, and the coat goes down to about mid-thigh. She often wears a loose long-sleeved blouse under the coat and dark leather wrappings for extra protection around her midsection. When she’s not wearing the coat, she often rolls up the sleeves of the blouse to her elbows to get them out of her way. She has tight black pants, with tall dark leather boots that reach just past her knees. She’s very piratey, but likes feeling fashionable about it, disliking the ridiculous hats and extra long coats that many pirates seem to be fond of.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

As the tiefling child of an extremely powerful human family in the Okeanus Alliance, Asphodel’s life was difficult from the beginning. Reviled by her parents and brother, she grew up in relative isolation on their estate, forbidden from leaving or interacting with anyone else but family and staff. She worked as a sort-of maid for the estate, cleaning, washing, and doing whatever else needed to be done. The trials of performing such backbreaking work like this at such a young age were only ever interrupted by two kinds of events: a visit from her grandparents, Xenon and Sibyll, or interactions with her parents or brother. The visits from her grandparents were the best times she had at the estate, while those from her immediate family were very much the opposite.   Asphodel loved getting to see her grandparents, as they would play with her in her little room when she was young, and would treat her with the love and respect she craved. Her interactions with the rest of her family often ended with some kind of punishment and were to be avoided at all costs. Kreios and Desma were master manipulators who couldn’t stand the sight of their daughter and treated her with biting kind of cruelty. Kazimir, on the other hand, would go out of his way to torment her and get her into trouble, often becoming physically violent with her.  


Asphodel’s grandparents were the only barrier between her and her parents. They were the reason why she wasn’t dumped out onto the streets at birth, and they were the reason why she was kept in the estate at all. Xenon and Sybill passed away within a few weeks of each other when Asphodel was fifteen years old, and when Sybill was gone, Asphodel was made to leave the Anastos estate. Sent out to the streets of Odessos with just a little bit of money given to her by some of the friendlier staff, she was out from behind those walls for the first time in her life. An older tiefling couple, Rav and Nessa, found Asphodel wandering the streets and took her in, and what began as a short stay turned into an unofficial adoption. She loved them dearly and they treated her like the child they had always wanted.   While living with Rav and Nessa, Asphodel met a human blacksmith named Ruby, who hired her as an apprentice and taught her about weapons and gunpowder.  

The Terror

Similar to Xenon and Sibyll, Nessa and Rav passed away a few years after she met them. Feeling adrift and wanting to get away from Odessos, she was recruited to The Terror, a pirate ship helmed by the elven Captain Violet Gerard, and her twin brother Cyrus who was the quartermaster. Over the years spent on the ship, Asphodel worked her way up to Master Gunner, and developed close relationships with everyone on the crew. Violet and Cyrus in particular became like the siblings she had always wanted, and her time spent on the ship makes up most of her fondest memories.   One night after landing in the coastal town of Heiros, Asphodel was celebrating the end of a long journey with the crew at a local tavern. Her world fell apart that night as the whole crew was poisoned and butchered by unknown assailants and The Terror was set on fire. She somehow escaped the tavern, fought off the poison that she drank, and hung around the area for as long as she could to try to see if anyone lived. Finding no survivors, she began wandering, taking odd jobs and trying to gather some information as to what happened that night.




Asphodel was not given the premium education that her brother received growing up. She instead gained a basic education from the estate staff, and was able to get some lessons from her grandparents when they were able to spend time with her. She did make it a habit to spy on her brother’s lessons and would often peek at the books in her family’s library whenever she got a chance.


Religious Views

Asphodel respects the pantheon of the Okeanus Alliance, and doesn’t pay much mind to the gods around the rest of the world. In the Alliance, the gods are everywhere and have a hand in everything to some degree, so while she is not a devotee to any one god, she makes sure to show her respect where she can.    Funerary rites are of particular importance to Asphodel, reflecting their significance in the Okeanus Alliance. One of the times where she felt a true and deep rage towards her brother was when he told her of how he desecrated the graves of their grandparents and dumped their bodies into the sea on the orders of their father. In her opinion, those actions alone would deserve death, and she wouldn’t be alone in that thinking among other citizens of the Alliance.   She also makes it a point to pay the Ferryman generously to make sure that souls are brought on to where they belong after death. She only does this for those that she thinks deserve it, however.

Social Aptitude

Asphodel is very much a member of the Anastos family when it comes to her natural charisma. Having also spied on many parties and meetings with attendees from the highest levels of Okeanus society, she was able to pick up a number of useful skills for interacting with others. Her particular knack for intimidation comes from both her time around her family and from the years spent on The Terror among pirates of all sorts.

Hobbies & Pets

Asphodel loves animals, as when she was growing up she could always count on them to treat her well. She would bond with the various cats, dogs, and horses kept around the Anastos estate, and would even try to make friends with the exotic animals that were often brought to the estate as gifts for her family.    She currently has Buckbeak, an old warrior of a camel that has seen some shit. Asphodel also has a mimic egg in the dollhouse that may or may not be dead at this point.
Year of Birth
3143 27 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
A tiefling born to the very human Anastos family on the 1st of Sirens, the luckiest day of the year in the Okeanus Alliance.
Odessos, Okeanus Alliance
Yellow-gold, no irises
Black. Long, thick, and wavy.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark red
Known Languages
Common and Infernal

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