Azalea Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Azalea is the fox-eared childhood friend of Winter-Green and Dune.

Physical Description

Body Features

Azalea's body looks human, with the exception of fox-like ears on her head. She is of unknown descent, and doesn't even know where she got them herself.

Apparel & Accessories

Azalea typically wears cute sundresses in a variety of colors when she goes out. When working at the Snuggle Duckling, she wears a lacy "uniform" (a maid costume) that Spring got for her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Azalea grew up as an orphan and an urchin in the All-Capitol where he met Winter-Green and Dune, and the three became fast friends and partners in crime. Azalea was the "responsible" one of the group, who would often be the voice of reason trying to talk everyone out of Dune's hair-brained schemes. Smart and generally good with people, Azalea would often have to think of ways to get them all out of trouble, usually giving Dune a hard time about it later.




Azalea attended public school provided by the Empire. She attended her classes as much as she could, and managed to graduate despite Dune often pulling her and Winter into trouble.


Azalea bartends at a couple of different places around the All-Capitol, and has for years. Since Winter has been gone, she's been spending more time as a waitress at the Snuggly Duckling in order to help out and keep an eye on Spring, but still bartends. She works a lot and has been trying to save for the future.


Contacts & Relations

Azalea's best friend in the world is Winter, who she has been secretly gaining feelings for for years. Ever shy, she's never told Winter about the crush she has on her (even though it's pretty obvious). These feelings have only grown over the years, and turned into a lot of eccentricities, like always trying to be around her and getting jealous of others who Winter spends time with (especially Dune). Since Winter has been gone, her crush has only grown in the absence, and she's determined now to find a way to confess her feelings or win Winter's heart.   She likes Dune too, despite thinking he's reckless and always scolding him for his poor decision making. She's known about Dune's feelings for Winter longer than her own, and it was her jealousy and constant desire to insert herself in their relationship that eventually made her realize she'd fallen in love with Winter. She's still jealous of him now, seeing him as more confident and exciting than her, as well as more successful since he's actually toed the line of a romantic relationship. She acts out on these insecurities by trying to make herself more "pure" and "responsible" than him. Now, since Winter has been gone, their rivalry has only gotten more heated and she is actively trying to "beat" him.   Azalea has gotten quite close to Spring as well, secretly thinking of her as a mother-like figure herself. They've gotten a lot closer since Azalea started working there full-time, and out of responsibility for Winter, Azalea tries to help Spring as much as she can for little pay. Spring, playful as she is, takes advantage of this by playing all kinds of tricks on Azalea without her realizing, like making her wear a lacy maid costume as a uniform and saying a silly phrase.
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
11th of Phoenix, 3148
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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