Donweir Borstein Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Donweir Borstein

Donweir is a human werewolf and member of Cursed. He is a scrawny, skiddish, unimposing man with tattered clothes. As a werewolf, he is huge, dark-furred, and always on the edge of being out of control.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Donweir is a werewolf and can transform into his monstrous form at will. As a werewolf, he is immune to physical damage from non-magic and non-silvered weapons.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

According to him, Donweir became a werewolf as a young man, and used to run as part of a pack called the "War Dogs" in the Imperial Military. He was away from them when they were caught and arrested for hiding their curse, and he went AWOL shortly after. Since then, he has had no where to go and fell in with the other members of Cursed, who are some of the few to accept him as he is.

Personality Characteristics


Donweir wants to stay with his comrades and not have to be worried about being a monster.
Year of Birth
3136 34 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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