Eagridch Dornbacher Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Eagridch Dornbacher

Eagridch is an "immortal" man and a member of Cursed. He is a large and intimidating man, who is quick to fight.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Has several scars

Special abilities

Eagridch is immortal and cannot physically be killed. He regenerates automatically from any injury at high speeds. If sufficiently injured, he will remain "dead" for a short time before reviving automatically. His team uses this ability to their advantage. His role on the team is often as a distraction, staying behind while the rest of the team, only to die or kill himself if captured and return to them later.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

According to the other members of his team, he was cursed by an evil god a long time ago, making him unable to die.
Greying Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slight Tan

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