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Elena Veldasquo

Elena Veldasquo is the youngest daughter of the noble Veldasquo family in the Empire. Born 28 Mimics before the reign of Emperor Leonidas, her family were once merchants, and are still considered to be jumped-up nobility by many older noble families.   However, merchants know that money and power don't reside only in a bloodline, but in trade and connections. The family 'business' profits from a healthy amount of both - not always legal. Prior to the Empire, the Veldasquos were able to make 'connections' more openly; they barely managed to survive the Empire by going legit - at least for appearances' sake. Post-Leonidas, they are trying to expand and thrive in Empress Trisha's reign.   Elena is talented with languages, a gourmand, a fashionista, paranoid as hell, and a bit of a snob; she will do anything to maintain and support her family's position, about which she can be deeply insecure. She was sent to local tutors for an extensive education in many, many things. Her loyalty is hard-won, but lasts forever, and betrayal will end in cement shoes.   Elena's parents Roger and Clara are a toxic mix of emotionally abusive and manipulative mob boss and neglectful drug addicted mother - all carefully hidden from anyone outside the Veldasquo family, of course. Roger looks at his children as assets, not people, and controls their movements and actions through money, guilt, implied threats, and emotional abuse. He was a jumpstarted merchant who married into nobility. Clara is the blue-blooded half of the pair; her family married her off before the Empire for monetary gain. However, due to her family's decision to fight Emperor Leonidas, she was cut off from them by Roger in order to survive. She turned to the drug Daydream in order to reminisce (particularly about a fabled family treasure) and consequently abandoned her children to the machinations of her husband. Elena is terrified of her father, and deeply resentful of her mother, though she still loves both. Recently, she has accepted that she is her father's daughter in almost all things, but strives to maintain a tiny bit of kindness and humanity for those that deserve it.   She has an older brother, a wizard named Radnor, and an older sister Ilaria, a cleric of an illusionist goddess. Radnor is the golden child of the family, slated to inherit his father's position, though clearly unsuited to it, and has a reputation as a womanizer. Ilaria is the family's political intriguist, but has recently left her position of influence and is seeking something new to cope with a history of trauma. As a result of her upbringing, Elena does not trust either of them; constant comparisons to the 'talented' and beautiful older siblings have left her with an inferiority complex that is only complicated by her relative strategic unimportance within the family. Her only path to freedom is to usurp her brother's inheritance and take over the family businesses; only then will she have some ability to determine her own destiny. Whether or not she takes her siblings with her is yet to be seen; while she does love them and cares for their happiness, she is aware that they are competition. Recently, her relationship with Ilaria has taken a turn for the better, and they are slowly becoming more supportive siblings, although Elena refuses to make any efforts to reconcile with her abusive father. She tolerates him for Ilaria's sake only and would have gladly slit his throat and thrown him overboard....but she's traveling with a better class of people now.   Her only emotional support while growing up was her father's lawyer Harry, a hobgoblin who gave her the affection she craved - to a point. He is still her father's employee, and there are lines he cannot cross. As a result, she tends to view relationships as transactional.   She had a thing for Asphodel's brother Kazimir (OH NO HE'S HOT), but since has backed off because of Ilaria's current relationship with him. Also, he's a cockroach. She also had a one-night stand with Garnen, who she respects as a colleague. She participated in the prank foursome of Felinas, but couldn't resist actually sleeping with him - hey, she was stressed. Currently, she's in a menage-a-trois with Lord Argeeretes and Demetrios, a business relationship with added benefits. She's amused at Ilaria's attempts to emulate her by having a threesome (she had more than one with the boys, but she's not telling Ilaria that). It feels good to be the one in charge these days.


Contacts & Relations

Business Associations

Adamantine Products

  Karlodar Karlodar has mining and production of adamantine goods
  • The Mole: Agreed to provide quality adamantine goods in exchange for ore, smuggling across the border, and buyers in the Empire
  • Bardinax: Allows mining of the significant adamantine veins in his lair in exchange for...nothing really.
All Capitol: Distribution and source of some buyers.
  • Irondale: Iron fence and distributor of metal goods. Agreed to find buyers for adamantine goods and helps with distribution.
  • Ruffisk: salesmen for Elena; was able to convince Opal's crew to take Elena's adamantine over Brekorian adamantine
Melvinshire: The Stonesmith Quarry was acquired cheaply and is being converted into an adamantine mine. Rights to mine were obtained...somewhat dubiously.
  • Cassie and Jonathan Stonesmith: Sold ownership of the quarry to Elena
  • Gordon Stonesmith: Agreed to take on a job traveling and selling Stonesmith stone. Will pivot to adamantine.
  • Karlodar Refugees: A number of Karlodar craftsman and miners, fed up with ill treatment from the king, have taken up Elena's offer to move production to Melvinshire.

Real Estate

Elena was gifted ownership of the buildings on the street where the Snuggly Duckling is after the Tri-Claws fell apart. With Harry's help, business have been moving in.
  • Snuggly Duckling: A tavern run by Winter's mother, Spring Green. The last holdout from being pushed out by the Tri Claws. Sells food, drinks, and has a cat petting room. Also a few rooms.
  • Golden Dragon's Nest: A new branch of an inn owned by Sathius Firevale and the legendary hero Raina Tallatina. Currently searching for a new location in Odessos.
  • Valkyrie's Secret: The third branch store of a chain of magic bra stores. Working on a new line of anti-sand, very breathable magic bras. Currently has plans to expand to everywhere people with mammary glands want support.
  • (Other ideas welcome)


  • The recent power vacuum in criminal and business ventures from the mass arrests in Botsuwash has been tipped off to Roger Veldasquo in exchange for a reduction in her needed funds.

Religious Views

She is largely agnostic - the gods are real, but that doesn't mean you have to believe in them. She does like Pharika, however.


She speaks in a cultured accent reminiscent of faux British or Transcontinental English.

Wealth & Financial state

Dollar Dollar Bills, y'all. She's got a lot and has evaded all the taxes to keep it.
Chaotic Neutral
Ice Blue
Long blonde hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very pale, practically translucent
120 lbs

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