Ira Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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(Nina Mina Sara Iranelle Estrellatan)

A wood-elf druid from the Strix Nebulosa commune. She believed her mother, and her mother's best friend who raised her, were both dead for many years...

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Relatively in-shape. She's a spell-caster; don't expect her to run any marathons (unless she can transform into an animal to do so). Not very dexterous or strong.

Physical quirks

Naturally a bit of a klutz. She relies on spells when she needs to be stealthy, dextrous, fast, etc.

Special abilities

  • Reads lips
  • Immune to poison and disease
  • Can transform into animals
  • Can cast spells while in beast shape
  • Ages 1 year for every 10 that pass

Apparel & Accessories

Her clothing is at odds with her desire to be unobtrusive. Gold elf armor, and the cloak of stars, make her stick out. She has tried to mitigate this by wearing the golden cloak of elvenkind over the glowy insubstantial cloak of stars.

Specialized Equipment

Wand of fireballs. Staff of flames. Cloak of stars.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Dealt the final blow to the white dragon Tulzat, earning her the nickname Dragon-slayer. Blew up some docks (it was an accident). Quest arc to obtain the star stones, saving her wayward mother along the way from the clutches of Harlequin and creating the Cloak of Stars.

Mental Trauma

Lived as a hermit for around 70 years following the apparent death of her adoptive mother, her teacher Milla.

Intellectual Characteristics

Paranoid. Does not trust easily. Extremely observant.

Morality & Philosophy

Her morality has been strongly influenced by her friends, Opal and Raina. While she naturally has a practical and sometimes cold attitude towards others, she has come to trust her friends judgment.


Family Ties

Her mother is Fir, a wood-elf who sought power and magic to be able to bring back the dead (specifically her mother). Her father is dead. Her adoptive mother/teacher, Milla, has passed on to Arboria.   Her half-sister on her father's side is Generella, born a number of decades after her after her father went on to marry a woman from his home village. She has many relatives on her father's side, who she eventually met through Generella.

Hobbies & Pets

Alfalfa and Clover.

Wealth & Financial state

Unofficial treasurer for the heroes. She maintains the party funds in the bag of holding.
Chaotic good-ish
Circumstances of Birth
Her mother had a fling with a wood elf man. Dumped him, then decided she could handle the whole single-mother life...
Strix Nebulosa Druid Commune
Emerald green
Fiery red. Basically buzz-cut on the sides with a small faux hawk.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Medium brown (sort of between a IV and a V on the Fitzpatrick scale) with a sprinkling of freckles across her nose
Probably around 5'4" (slightly shorter than Raina)
Slim, compact build
Quotes & Catchphrases
Healing word: f*ck

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