Sister Nancy Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Sister Nancy

A elderly female cleric of Erastil. She is the head nun of the Temple of Erastil in Grattenmar. She is known throughout the town as a source of wisdom and kindness, although she isn't afraid to speak her mind and chew someone out on their wrongdoing or willful ignorance. She spends much of her time watching over Nora, since no one else will do it and the girl is constantly getting into trouble, and she sees Nora much as a daughter she never had.   Few people know, but Sister Nancy was once one of the Three Great Heroes who saved Grattenmar from crisis. She was once adventuring companions with Prince Aranor runs, the banished heir to the Grattenmar throne who, at the time, was seeking to take the kingdom back from his wicked uncle, the Usurper. Along with their third companion, they defeated the Usurper and united Grattenmar back into a peaceful age. According to rumors (and Nora), she and the prince had been in a romantic relationship on their adventures, and Aranor proposed marriage to her once their adventure was over, offering to let her rule by his side as Queen. But, she turned him down, preferring to return and rebuild her small town home, and build her own temple to the goddess Erastil.   At another point in the past, she had met a young David Bernaldt on his coming-of-age journey, and the two shared a short romantic trist. Now, finding each other again in their twilight years in the Elven country of Issilidor, they have rekindled an old flame.

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