Winter Green Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Winter Green

Winter Green Leaves Rustling in a Forest Glade (a.k.a. Melodia the Magical Mandolinist)

Winter Green was born on the 7th of Phoenix, 3147 in the All Capitol. Her mother, Spring Green, worked in the Silk Oasis during Winter's childhood, barely making ends meet while raising her daughter. As a single mother, they were often poor, and Winter spent time as a virtual street urchin while her mother worked during the days. Winter herself does not know who her father is, although she has heard countless, and often contradictory, stories about him. These days her mother runs her own tavern called the Snuggly Duckling, which has a few rooms that Spring rents to her friends as a side business.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

She looks mostly human. She has black cat ears with white tips that stick out of her fluffy black hair, and a matching black tail with a white tip. Retractable cat claws on her fingers and toes help her to climb vertical surfaces.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Even from a young age, Winter had a talent for music. She often performed in the Silk Oasis as background music to make a little extra cash. It was during one of these performances that Lorena the Loquatious Lutinist saw her performing and afterwards offered to take her on as a student of the bardic arts. Lorena taught Winter whenever she was passing through the All Capitol, and when Winter turned 18 they traveled together for 3 years to further advance Winter's musical training with real world experience.   Winter loves stories, making friends, and buying her friends drinks. She gets scared easily, but still tries her best to help her friends in a pinch.

Morality & Philosophy

Growing up poor gave her a realistic philosophy about life--one that isn't particularly governed by laws created by governments. She is very aware that rich people buy themselves out of trouble whenever they can, while poor people struggle just to survive. She doesn't generally TRY to break the law, but she is perfectly comfortable turning a blind eye to others when they break the law, as long as no one is really getting hurt. She also isn't opposed to participating in the occasional swindle or heist, as long as it is all in good fun or makes a good story.

Personality Characteristics


She likes a good story.   Stayin' alive. She's not afraid to surrender or run away if it means she is more likely to survive.
Year of Birth
3147 23 Years old
All Capitol
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common and Elvish

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