
Dosoma are large omnivores, known for aggressively headbutting threats. Wild dosoma can be found in the Vaihu Savannah, but tamed dosoma are used throughout all of Fokuhai.

Basic Information


Strong but fast reptiles, Dosoma balance on two muscular legs and a long, thick tail. Their paws have dull claws for digging nests and uncovering potential meals. A typical, healthy adult stands near 6 feet tall (~183 cm) and weighs around 830 lbs (~376 kg).

Ecology and Habitats

Dosoma are hardy to any hot climate that can sustain their hearty mixed diet. Their natural environments are the semi-tropical grasslands of Fokuhai, with open fields and hills not too steep.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dosoma require a balanced mix of plant material and meat, about 1.2% of their body weight per day. They graze on wild grasses, but usually prefer the flavor of larger roots, such as those of bushes, and fungus colonies. They typically target small burrowing animals, caving in their tunnels and widening entrances so they can snatch the critter before it bites their nose.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dosoma have poor hearing, and mainly use sight for navigation. However, they have a major blind spot directly in front of their face due their long snout. Their sense of smell is excellent when they pause to focus, able to differentiate scents that are buried close together.

Geographic Distribution

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