
Dropscale a chronic genetic condition that prevents healthy scales from growing back after shedding. Dropscale typically appears later in life, but has been seen in younger adults and teens.

Transmission & Vectors

Dropscale is a genetic disorder, passed on through biological relation. Any saikkot that has a family history of dropscale is likely to be afflicted with it. If not in their lifetime, they will pass on the genes to any biological children. Dropscale can jump multiple generations, appearing in great grandchildren of those affected without appearing on children and/or grandchildren.


The cause of dropscale is unknown. Some place it as an effect of incest, but little information supports this theory.


The skin will become scratchy, flakey, and may form sores. Pores will become distorted enough that healthy scales will fall out before they have aged. Any new scales trying to grow in will be flimsey and somewhat soft, unable to be moved for emotive purposes. In worse cases, new scales will stop forming, leaving a permanent bald spot. These scaleless patches will be more subject to sunburns, allergic reactions, and other similar skin conditions.


There is no cure for dropscale. It can be prevented from spreading once noticed, but the affected areas can't be repaired to produce healthy scales again. Treatment is to avoid spreading or worsening of conditions. Affected areas can be regularly cleaned and moisturized to help with irritation and potential infections.


The best method of preventing dropscale is to notice the early signs. Dropscale can be contained if the afflicted regularly cleans and moisturizes the irritated area.

Chronic, Congenital
Affected Species


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