Plane of Ichor


Ichor one of the many representors and distributers to create living beings. Daughter of Ava, Ichor created her element the same as her mother liquid, mailable and tamable to if the creations of mortal beings were ever to lose control. They could be brought back to the mind and sides of the truth. Ava did not approve of this thus was a great battle of followers of Blood vs Water... Ichor was struck down and her immortality taken away, given in recreation to mortal beings. As Ava did indeed think her creation was good... just with the wrong intentions.  


According to the Great Wheel cosmology model, the Arcane Plane of Blood could be reached via the Water Plane, an adjacent elemental plane, or by an arcane vortex. Two known vortices to adjacent elemental planes were the Elemental Plane of Water, at the Scaragan's Stomach, the Blood Well in the terrestrial world and a vortex on the Mount of Dust, located in the elemental plane of earth. Any of these three would allow access to the Arcane Plane of Ichor. If traveling through the Deep Ethereal vortexes to it, a red curtain of sticky color indicated the boundary of the Plane of Ichor Border Ethereal region. Once in the Border Ethereal, a traveler could observe the Plane of Ichor and be detected by its denizens. Temporary gates could be created by the plane shift spell or the abilities of high-level druids.  


"To walk here is like walking through, a sea of red, where the fish, the birds, and animals are horrifyingly dangerous. They will seek to tear you apart and consume your very flesh and essence."
- Retired Moon Order Sage, Jared
Arriving on the Plane of Ichor was like swimming in the body of mortal with blood themselves; if one didn't have the protections of swallowing liquids and breathing correctly one would drown or throw up from horrid iron taste. The following discussion assumes a visitor and all their clothing and gear had this capability and either did not need to breathe or could compensate for a often toxic atmosphere that seeks to drain or fill you with to much life essence. In general, the more thicker taste and smell gathered from the air could permeate and stain any clothing.   If where this horrid place resides had weather it would be a mix of red staining rain and depictions of the moons... but blood red as the energy and powers of Lun magic try and permeate there way into the blood realm.   The dangers of the plane could not be overstated, but those that survived the trip saw nightmares at nearly every turn and there after. Rivers ran red, as there seemed to be no way to remove the color or its iron taste. Everything there will seek to consume you back. The earth there is made of flesh, it morphs and reaches out at you if you don't bare the mark of a house of such a horrible place.  

City of Ichor Aima

There is only one place to go but to go to seek refuge from "the Reaching Bog" or the "Staining Lake"... The City of Ichor Aima... Where its residents and leader live. Dare not go any further... Turn back if you do not wish to be made apart of this place.
"Blood runes deep through all things... not all contain the power or the will to control it."
  • Unknown
  • Ichor Aima

    "Flowing Red City"
    Type Magical
    Location The Plane of Ichor
    Leader Balkathor the Blood Bearer
    Residents Demonic, Tieflings, Evocin
    Elementals, Abominations
    Factions Blood Covenant, The Disfigured Chosen
    Guard Red Wardens
    Manuscript, Magical (Tome/Scroll)


    Titles Members
    Blood Coven Faustia, Cathrona, Chakazul
    Shapeshifters Volskatha, Therezdin,Discordia
    Flesh Carvers Balkathor, Reikzalf, Zaleria
    Flesh Devils Nida-Hief, Baalgrothma, Orthur