Aloe Character in Yyfire | World Anvil
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Aloe is a bard who is also occasionally a mercenary for Shaderun. She tends to play in lower or middle class taverns or inns as larger taverns have a lot of competition. She takes up a quest every once and while to supplement her wages and to add some excitement.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aloe grew up in a town between Elder Shore and Gourdsmouth and would eventually 'settle down' in the town Ifrington on the southeast of Shaderun. She performs mercenary tasks for Ifrington which often take her to the opposite sides of the country. Aloe loves to take her time in her adventuring and stops to perform in almost every town or city. She's not good enough to have played in higher end areas or restaurants but she's good enough to make it worth her while. Her journeys tend to take her to port cities to trade or complete deliveries from Ifrington.

Just a girl traveling the world and showing off my sweet lyrics

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