Azdarah Character in Yyfire | World Anvil
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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Olai is built but lanky. He walks with his shoulders hunched and quiet steps.

Body Features

He has some visible scars littering his body, though he keeps them covered as much as possible.

Facial Features

He has a notable scar or two over his face and strikingly green eyes that don't quite seem human.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Olai was left to raise himself on the streets of Alabar. He was a beggar child who would run through the markets by the docks to try and beg or steal for a bite to eat.   As a child, he had a friend named Vikaris. The two were inseparable and made life much easier when two people were working together. They had each others' backs and took care of one another. They would steal off into the woods, away from the dock community, and built a little shack under the roots of a tree. It was cramped and haphazard, but it had a roof, a fire, and a pile of furs for them to sleep at night. Life was the best it had ever been for them, together.   Vikaris would often steal away to work with the local blacksmith, who would sometimes let him use his forge at night after hours. He became somewhat renown for his smithing abilities, and Vikaris was offered an apprenticeship with one of the council members. Though he would have to leave, he promised Olai that he would return to take him off of the streets and bring back money and supplies to help them both. Olai never saw Vikaris again.   As an adult, Olai still lived in an maintained their hut, where he stayed for years, confindent he would never see Vikaris' return. He eventually became old enough to take contracted work for money, and became a mercenary for hire. More recently, he has begun taking deals that take him far beyond Alabar's reach.

Gender Identity



Olai takes jobs as a mercenary in order to get money.

Failures & Embarrassments

He was once approached by ______ who said he would pay him handsomely to retrieve _______. Olai __________ to ________, where it was revealed that ______ was ________. He was after __________, and in retaliation, ______ Olai into _______.

Mental Trauma

Not only has he been mostly alone for his life, he's a mercenary and __________. Angsty Piss Baby

Personality Characteristics


Olai is searching for _____________ after __________. As he got older, he took on various mercenary jobs that _____________. One day, he got an offer to ________ at _________. This took him the farthest he has ever been from his home. When he arrived, he ___________ and ___________. He was taken by suprise when __________ from _________. He said that he __________ and asked __________. Olai _______ him to ________ and back. When they returned, _________ tried to __________ him. However, _________. Olai ___________. Now he _______ to hide ________. He is still looking for ________ in his travels.


Contacts & Relations

Olai had a childhood friend named Vikaris that he is searching for.

Wealth & Financial state

Olai has gained money now, thanks to his mercenary work, but he only keeps what he needs. The rest, he gives to the other homeless at the dock community that he grew up in.

A big and bold champion of High Realm sent by her employers on a mission to redeem herself.

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Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Abyssal, Common, Orc

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