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The Desert Gunslinger Arc (a.k.a. Slinger)

A gunslinger, far off from his home, attempts to seek work, and figure out why he lost his memory.

A Warforged living a life as a bounty hunter. He had a natural talent for creating weapons called "firearms" which can destroy things from a distance through non-magical means. He uses these to achieve his goals.

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Lawful neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft 10 in
250 lb

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Journal Entry 2

I'm falling.   I have no idea where I'm falling to.   But I am definitely falling.   The others are all falling alongside me, the Half-Elf, the other Warforged, one of the mechanical constructs from the Tortle and...   Actually, now that I notice it, the Tortle, the Dragonborn, that human, and the other construct must still be at the surface.   Must be nice.   The other warforged casted featherfalling on each of us, so at least we won't fall to our deaths here.   Eventually, after some time, we landed in... something. The ground seems to be covered in some oily liquid... it might be oil, but I can't see shit. Our Half-Elf casted a spell that lets us see better, and apon closer inspection, the walls are also covered with the liquid. The warforged says the liquid is alive... but I don't see how, says he's seen it before. The warforged grabbed the scepter from the corpse of the mummy, and says its magical. The corpses that were laying in the goo sprung to life and started to attack us, but they were easily disposed of by me and the other Warforged. Then a... giant slime appeared in the middle of the room, absorbing most of the goo. But before that, one of the Tortle's robots made some modifications to my revolvers, which were... mediocre but hey, I aint saying no to free enhancements. The big slime eventually spit out of smaller slime, which was attempting to get away. Our Half-Elf attempted to give chase but she was mortally wounded. She seemed fine...-ish but... its clear that she couldn't take another hit. In an attempt to draw attention, I put more power into my shot, and fired at the bigger slime. I could have sworn the hit went through, but the bigger slime didn't seem any worse for wear. As if things couldn't get weirder, the slime spit out an almost exact replica of the Half-Elf, with a tendril coming from it's back, attaching it to the bigger slime. When I attempted to re-engage, one of revolvers jammed, so I was forced to put it away and attack with only one. In a last ditch effort, our Tortle finally lowered himself to the cave, and managed to deal the final blow which destroyed the slime, but despite our efforts, the smaller piece that detached escaped. We got our proof-of-completion from the person who... I think... hired them, and made our way out of the cave.   Conclusions: I like these people, they seem nice enough. But I still need to figure out where and... when I am.

Journal Entry 1

As I'm falling through this pit, I'm starting to think I *may* be suffering from... extreme amnesia. But that's alright, after all, that's what journals are for! But I guess I should recap what happened before.   After being reactivated, I met a group of seemingly nice adventurers doing who-knows-what. I decided to join them where we found a room full of statues. Getting bored while the egg-heads were experimenting, I shot one of the statues, which reanimated and attacked us. We made it out alive but... there were some strange occurances. First our dragonborn disappeared, and then I got transported... somewhere, I believe to another plane of existence. I saw a massive creature in the distance, which I attempted to hide from, before I was shifted back into the normal plane. I came back only to realize that a massive mummy king had come out of a sarcophagus, and was attacking my party. After some fighting, the other Warforged blew it up, which led to me dealing the finishing blow, a bullet to the head. If a final move, it broke the floor, and we are now caught up with events.


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