GPK-612 Character in Zaetheris | World Anvil
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Ancient Warforged Wizard, doesn't remember his past beyond some faint memories. Will keep his Turtle companion alive at all costs, as his assistance keeps the Warforged maintained and running.

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Purging a Vampire

I woke in the middle of the night to Macro throwing a book at the wall, he said it flew off the shelf itself. This turned out to be true, some ghosts threw the book at him and then tried to drag him into the wall. We called to Zee, and she of course came down unarmed...   The door kept slamming shut in her face when she tried to head back up to grab her weapons, I had to rip it off its hinges so that she could do it. Once she was back we all just stared at the door-like shape on the wall made of flesh with arms sticking out. Lord knows why, but Macro decided to step into it so Arc and I followed. We came out of Graves on the other side, as in out of the ground despite us walking through a door. Each grave had our names engraved on the tombstones. Zee's grave was still filled in and I assumed she had stayed on the other side like I told her to until we heard a knocking, the grave then dug itself up and we pulled her out of the coffin. Thus began our weird walk to the North where Macro had seen a mansion using W.A.T.C.H. One of the ghosts was following us the whole way, and when we questioned him as to why we were here he evaded our questions so we continued to the mansion.   Within the mansion were rooms with ghost children and one old woman. The children wanted us to kill their father, and the old woman really didn't seem to care about anything but said her husband had done nothing wrong. Arc and I kept watch in Sentry mode while the other two slept until the children's father, Vlad, appeared.   We talked to him, considering the fact that the children didn't give us a good reason to kill him talking seemed like a good idea at the time. Alas the details weren't adding up, and the children seemed deathly afraid of him so I barraged him with Scorching Ray spells. I then dispelled the protection on his sanctuary in the cellar and destroyed that with a fireball as well. Overall it was anti-climactic and I wasn't sure why we were called here, until the children called us up to talk to their mother that is. The children's mother revealed herself to be the Raven Queen, who offered to form a contract with one of us much like the contract I have with Myrkul. Arc accepted it as Macro has had enough of supernatural deities and Zee just doesn't seem to care.   The Raven Queen returned us home, where we appear to have stood in the same spot for numerous hours; and act I am not unfamiliar with. What an odd fever dream-esque experience.

That's not a moon...

Macro and Arc were working on their magical flamethrower so Zee and I decided to head to Oford for a mining expedition while checking on Respolis as we passed by. Respolis was actually in ruins, completely burnt down to be exact. Meanwhile Oford changed their entry requirements for the mine, 40 gold per person for 2 hours after which they teleport us out. We found a little bit of Mithril, and not much else except a Khyber crystal. A greater Khyber crystal. A 12 ft tall greater Khyber crystal. I just hugged that crystal until they teleported us back up to the surface and called it a day, the trip was worth it.

Finally solved our robot problem.

We were sent home from Griffon's plane of existence. Not to Fazu, but to our home in Krey. The Tortle fell down a flight of stairs in his excitement (didn't know he liked being home so much), and Carnan helped him set up the cannon on the Iron Defenders shoulder. Once that was done, we headed out immediately to finish what we set out to do. MPN was going to die, and now that we could find him we needed to finish it quickly.   He wasn't in Maapham, the town seemed fairly safe, but given the events of last time we left quickly. Zreim on the other hand was on fire, I wonder who could do that?   We left our carriage at the edge of the Zreim and made our way past the crying and hysterical townspeople. There was a circle of flames in the center of town, it didn't feel hot and the ice from my Ring of Ice did nothing to it. Arc stepped through and I immediately heard a shout followed by a shot from his revolver. Zee and Macro also stepped through, I followed suit a few seconds later only to find Zee having been impaled by MPNs trident. I unloaded some spells upon MPN while Arc pulled Zee to safety before coming back to help us defeat him. The cannon on the robot blew up after Macro overloaded it, destroyed the robot in the process but luckily Arc and I were able to take MPN down before anyone else had a near death experience. Upon his death the black shadow floating above MPN screamed and disappeared, and the illusion was dispelled. What illusion you ask? The entire town was an illusion apparently. MPN didn't harm anyone, there were no burning buildings nor a ring of fire in the center. He was just in the center of town waiting for us without harming anyone as he had previously, I'm not quite sure why. This entire experience is fishy to me, as if someone set it all up and WANTED us to kill MPN.   We hauled the body back to the carriage, and I sent a letter to Thanis to inform him of our success before we headed back to Krey. After delivering the body to Krey we opened a portal to Thanis' home and went through. He didn't seem surprised by our success, instead he seemed more exasperated by how long it took us. Now he wants me to teach at a new school, why he would want ME to teach I'm not quite sure but I'm not going to oppose someone who could obliterate me in seconds. I'm just glad we finally dealt with MPN, that's one less being actively trying to kill us.

A slightly sticky situation.

We safely reached the bottom of the pit, luckily I had prepared a Feather Fall spell earlier. At the bottom we found the bodies of the undead and Mummy Lord that dropped, I looted the Mummy Lords corpse for an unknown staff and another badge of some sort. As I did that, I noticed the slime covering the floor appearing to move like a living thing and that really isn't a good thing that you want to notice. Turns out there was a giant black Slime down there that could mess with your mind and use your body for a puppet show. We killed the main body, but a small piece escaped to hopefully SOMEWHERE REALLY FAR FROM ME. There was a weird portal that led up to the top of the pit, suspiciously convenient but I'll just blame Thanus since this is his world. Oddly enough there was nobody in sight at the top of the pit, no Phil and no stupid fucking slave. Phil seems to have pushed the Tortle into the pit and run off with the slave. When we exited the tomb we found Phil in his base camp as if nothing had happened within the tomb. We, for lack of a nicer word, convinced him that we had finished our task successfully and would never see him again as long as he stamped the request form to mark it complete.   On another note, I identified what the two items I looted in the pit were. One was the Badge of the Wayfarer, and the other was an oddly familiar stave called the Staff of the Echoes.

Why do I always have to clean up after these morons?

I have been advised by my Tortle friend to begin recording everything, else I lose everything upon encountering a creature that can erase mine. This is fair as the main weakness of Warforges appears to be our memory. Note; my hypothesis may be skewed due to lack of data, will experiment later.   This morning the Tortle fed his idiotic mercenary one of his Dragon Shards. Waste of a shard in my opinion, but it doesn't matter. Once I had prepared my spells for the day we left to find our client, better to get this over with early in case Thanus sends word of how to track MPN. Phil wanted to explore immediately, I approve of that decision. We had previously explored all corridors, and fully looted the left and middle ones, all that was left was a Sarcophagus behind the puzzle down the rightmost corridor.   Behind the hidden door we found another Warforged, known as Arc we later found out. I dragged him into the room to get a better look at him, he lacked his Core. After some discussion with the Tortle, he decided to try and place one of his Dragon Shards within the Warforged; it woke up. Apparently he doesn't remember how he got into this tomb (noticing a trend here), all he remembers is leaving his hometown for a reason he did not disclose. I offered to guide him out of the tomb, but he decided to explore the rest with us (wouldn't be my first choice, but I can respect it).   We continued through the hidden door, and down into the Sarcophagus room within which we found the six undead Archeologists kneeling before said Sarcophagus. They didn't respond to non-living stimuli such as the Tortles constructs, but seemed to respond to Warforged presence when Arc and I stepped into the room (Note: I suspect they respond to souls, and as the constructs don't have complete souls they can't detect them). As I contemplated how to approach the situation Arc decided to take matters into his own hands and attack one of the undead, they obviously didn't appreciate it. Thus began a chaotic fight where everyone floundered about while I cleaned up their mess with my fire spells, fucking idiots. A Mummy Lord leapt out of the Sarcophagus shortly after the fight began (big surprise), I cast Fireball to wipe out the useless trash around it, and my party of morons were close to finishing it off, but then it destroyed the floor dropping us into a pit. The very pit I am currently falling in as I record this within my mind to reproduce as a physical copy later. I blame Arc, why do I attract idiots.