Hellkite Thalatte Character in Zaetheris | World Anvil
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Hellkite Thalatte

Kupiou Hellkite Thalatte (a.k.a. The Bastard)

His name was Kite Thalatte Palvos. He wished for freedom. His family kept Kite on a strict regimen to become great. Because of this Kite cursed his family. One night Kite breaks out of his family's place in search of freedom. He was never to be seen by his family again. At the young age of 12 he became a mercenary who made a name for himself on the bloody battlefields. Five years later on one of his jobs Kite stumbles upon the demonic axe Dread. In exchange for cores Dread would give Kite magical powers. When he received the power from Dread he took on the name Hellkite. The first thing he did was kill his enemies and all who got in his way. He did as he pleased for eight years when his blood trail finally caught up to him. He then was captured and sold into slavery.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Body Features

A distinct scar on his chest.

Facial Features

A scar on his right cheek.

Identifying Characteristics

Green dragonborn with scars and tattoos

Physical quirks

Cross eyed tattoos.

Special abilities

Devil's luck.

Apparel & Accessories

One handed axe.

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kite Thalatte Palvos was a boy from a proud warrior family. His family kept Kite on a strict regimen to become a great and noble knight. He trained and studied everyday at the behest of his family. He cursed his family everyday vowing for freedom. One night when he was 10 Kite breaks out of his family's place. He was never to be seen by his family again. For 2 years he survived in the wild being free and getting stronger. When he was twelve he became a mercenary to get stronger. He made a name for himself on the bloody battlefields as Kite the Typhon. 2 years later he meets Drake and becomes good friends with him. Drake and Kite go their separate ways vowing to get stronger. 3 years later on one of his jobs Kite stumbles upon the demonic axe Dread. The axe speaks to him, "He who seeks power" This gets his attention and the axe makes an offer. In exchange for cores everyday or the core that of a god Dread would give Kite magical powers. Dread adds if he does not keep up his end he will take half of his life each failed day. Kite wanting more power accepts the deal without hesitation. When he received the power from Dread he took on the name Hellkite, throwing away his heritage. The first thing he did was kill all his enemies and those who got in his way. He did as he pleased for 8 years. He finds a cave filled with gold, but dose not take any of it. He instead leaves some gold in the cave. This brings the attention of a gold dragon who would latter bare his son. Shortly after his bloody trail finally catches up to him. For the crime of killing an enormous amount of people, and much more he was captured by the paladin Drake. Drake sells him into slavery.

Gender Identity





Home schooled.



Accomplishments & Achievements

Locating and establishing a contract with the demonic axe Dread.

Failures & Embarrassments

Has a son.

Mental Trauma

Being taken advantage of by stronger people.

Intellectual Characteristics

Being able to talk himself out of a situation, and identifying those who are strong.

Morality & Philosophy

The strong rule.


Breaking a promise.

Personality Characteristics


Power and freedom.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies include killing, persuasion, intimidation, and bringing chaos. Ineptitudes include understanding people, taking hits, and responsibility.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes strong beings, and hates weaklings.

Virtues & Personality perks

Keeps his word.

Vices & Personality flaws

Booze, money, and being detached.

Personality Quirks

Always having his axe on his left hip.




Contacts & Relations

Mercenaries, a paladin, and a gold dragon.

Family Ties


Religious Views


Social Aptitude

Above average.



Hobbies & Pets




Wealth & Financial state


A bastard from a proud warrior family who left home to be free and become stronger. He joins a mercenary group to become stronger. While out on a job he stumbles upon a demonic axe who offers him power in exchange for cores

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Kite the typhon.   The bastard.
The Coast
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 6''
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The weak can just die."
Known Languages

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Reunion with Idiots

I arrived outside of Krey to find a crater. Ha! Who made this beautiful mess. I make my way to where their house was last time, and I was right they are idiots. I find the turtle crippled on the ground unable to get up. Why hasn't he gotten help from one of the robots? I help him up into a chair, and stay by his side for a little bit just in case. It turns out I just killed some rando who looked like the bastard. Still made a good lunch. The elf said she's going to a church to talk to someone important. This sounds interesting. I meet up with her at the church. This important person turns out to be a god. She said she created the crater by killing her sister. Well at least it wasn't hard to tack them done thanks to her. She mentioned that gods cannot stay in the mortal realm indefinably. I later sell this now useless axe and buy two potions.


After several months after leaving those chumps I over heard a rumor about a powerful spear. I must have it. This stupid axe is losing its sharpness, and has not given me the power I desire. I find this spear and apparently it is call Lunar Spear. I take it and return adventuring. A few months later I hear a rumor about a turtle pissing off some gods. This sounds interesting. I am going to check this out after I kill that damn archeologist. After killing him I look for him, and I have found him.

The Catacombs

After having the warforge cured from all his curses we take that archeologist with us to the catacombs. I do not know why this weakling is coming us. He must want to die. I would normally let him die, but failing a guild mission will look bad on Macro and Zee. On our way to the room the weakling wants to see, we find a warforge. His chest was open and he had these weird weapons on him. He wakes up after Macro gives him a shard. He says the only thing he remembers is that his name is Arc, and for the others to stop fucking around with his weapons. She gives reluctantly gives him back his weapon. He agrees to accompany us to find out why he was here. We entered the only room we had not entered on our pervious dive. The corpses we saw last time are now reanimated archeologists. They are bowing down to a sarcophagus. Macro sends his newly fixed toy into the room. He tries getting their attention, but whatever brains they had left from the rats are rotting. The new guy enters the room and is immediately noticed by the undead. Guessing they are not picky eaters. He easily blasts them away with his weapons called guns. More of us enter the room easily putting down the undead despite there being wild magic. After some of his followers die this pharaoh mummy decides to get out of the coffin and start wrecking us with only his goddamn fists! He will pay for underestimating me! After taking enough damage he throws a fit and collapses the room with his unused weapon on his back. Only three of us avoided his attack. The rest plummeted down into the depths. I assume they died due to the damage they took and fall height. Looks like the three of us got to save them.

Into The Catacombs

After relaxing in this magic mansion after the failure of killing that blue robot a new adventure begins. Since the group's broke we, not me, went to the guild for work. We got a quest for investigating some burial grounds to the east. That robot finally did something useful for me in carrying me to the job site. It was hilarious watching Zee shield surf a mirror all the way to the site. Macro and I were bewildered by the failure of an archeologist we were presented with. I've never been to catacombs since that is a place for the dead. We entered the burial grounds and before entering the catacombs Macro sent his newest "creation" scouting. We eventually enter the catacombs and come across four murals. Each depicting one of the seasons. After Zee planted the seed I wanted to freeze the ceiling above it then melt it with fire. Too bad I didn't get to play with fire this time and they went with the safer choice of pouring water on it. It grew into a sapling. The spring mural opened leading to a new path. Zee then grows it into a tree. The summer mural opens. I wanted to burn the tree's leaves off but that bird blew all the leaves off. The fall mural opens. I finally got to freeze the tree opening the last mural. Macro sends his beetle to scout the north and east paths. Apparently the archeologist group is dead in the north path. Less cooks now. The east path looked like a trap so no one else entered. We went west and encountered a few traps. Ice solved the problem. We later enter this room with a huge drop-off accompanied by a platform in the distance with a door. There were smaller platforms in-between the two platforms, but I'm not about to die like this. So, Zee and me stayed behind while the others went on their marry way. Later Macro pops out of a portal with a shit load of gold. I was tempted to enter the portal, but there's a curse so no. There was a crack leaking black liquid. I froze it. While the other were still looting the place when a slime tried to kill Zee. The turtle ordered me to freeze it, but luckily Zee removed the slime from herself. She kills it then there's one on my back. I quickly threw it off my back into what I thought was a bottomless pit. The slime returned only to be killed. More slimes died before finally they return. The robot was all kinds of fucked up and was being carried by another robot. We leave the catacombs with a good amount of loot. The client asks for the treasure and we gave him the gems he wanted.


I fucked up a job and ended up being sold to these slave traders. They thought they could sell me. HA! I raised hell for 3 days before some turtle walks up. Before he bought me I told him I would pay him back double for what he bought me for. He had few guys with him notably a half elf. The turtle used me as a rat for half a day before his mind goes AWOL with his buds. That bastard uses me as a rat and expects me to just watch over his body for hours. HA! I sold him for double of what he bought me for. Before I could buy him back his pals show up. I used this to my advantage and got him back for free. Of course he's pissed but I gave him my profits to pay him back. I was given some armor from the turtle in preparation for killing this killer robot. Apparently this thing has a core equivalent to a god. I might be able to finally pay off this annoying axe. That piece of scrap metal ends up running like a bitch. I play with my food too much.