Marco Character in Zaetheris | World Anvil
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Professor Marcochelys (a.k.a. Macro)

A prodigy of ancient technology, armed with encyclopedic knowledge of ancient languages and a natural knack for all forms of ancient technology, earned his doctorate with a paper on warforged that he got from studying a warforged and creating one, the created warforged later broke loose and is causing havoc, macro has to hunt it down to regain his standing with the guilds he associates with.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

medium build

Body Features

Natural spikes all along skin and shell

Facial Features

Artificing goggles and protective helmet

Identifying Characteristics

Only living razorback remaining

Physical quirks

Covered in natural serrated spikes of varying sizes

Special abilities

Crafting and Studying

Apparel & Accessories

Standard Tortle Artificer Equipment

Specialized Equipment

Ancient technology, Robotics, Artisinal Craftsmanship


Contacts & Relations

Artisan Guild (banned from working at guild and using guild supplies, but not banned from entering guild or talking to or commissioning other guild members there)

Family Ties


Religious Views


Social Aptitude

above average social skills


speaks reservedly

Hobbies & Pets

Tinkering with misc ancient technology he keeps in his bag


Draconic Aquan Common

Wealth & Financial state


Cautious, Prodigy of Ancient Technology, affinities with all artisan tools

Current Location
View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Professor Paleontologist Archaeologist
Date of Birth
Unrecorded, approx. age 30
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black with white serrated spikes along skin and shell

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let's be civil, and not war

woke up, did some tinkering, made a spell crystal, i got the idea from spell scrolls and wondered if i could make a more... durable... spell storing thing   a day and a half with the assistance of MPN and i managed to pull it off   it's pretty, and far weaker than any spell storing item i've heard of, limited to only weak spells, however, it works, i can infuse the item with the spell and someone else can cast it, helpful   i ended up doing some other things which ended up completely irrelevant to what ended up being needed that day, and mpn almost broke the crystal   looks like a war was brewing, i kinda like my house and would rather not see it burned to the ground, nice houses don't really survive civil wars or societal uprest, so i decided it was in my best interest to try to quell the mob because it would be a lot of work to pack up my lab and move elsewhere   we approached the angry mob and found out that the taxes have been unreasonable lately, with some quick math me and gpk figured that there is no reasonable situation where all that was being taken for taxes could be STORED let alone used, so something was up   we approached the castle, met with the king, arc had a lovely conversation with him   eventually we managed to convince him to end his pact and we promised to save his wife   his kids ended up suffering too due to the backlash of cancelling the pact, that was... not planned for, but i think i can still work with this   whatever was affecting them was neither magical nor anything medical i've seen before (not that i've seen much in that department)   but we had an ace up our sleeve... in exchange for 25k gold we used one of our wishes to cure the queen and her children, i was working on some very careful wording before remembering that "oh yeah, i'm wishing to my friend, not to a god", and gave it to him straight   plans ended up working, for once, and we walked away 25k richer and i'm looking forward to the things i can do with this money, but for now i'm just glad i didn't have to move house, that would have been a pain   talked to the mob, we managed to neutralize the situation, tensions are still there but they are more in line with a standard aristocracy instead of and angry vengeful anarchistic mob   in all seriousness this was fucking painful, way too many lives were at stake and i'm shaken by what could have happened if we didn't have gpk... and i'm still not sure if i made the right decision...

Nightmare Scenario

i woke up, my constructs were nowhere to be found, so i pinged them   no response   "odd" i thought, and continued for a bit, and then i remembered that as long as WATCH is: a. alive b. in the same plane of existence then i can connect to him regardless of how far he is from me   i attempted a connection and...   no response   at that point i began to panic and then began to take notice to a voice calling my name, this unsettled me, but without my constructs i was in no real position to resist, so i investigated   the others followed suit, claiming various things at first before we all agreed we heard our true names being called by a voice emanating from my lab   we went into my lab and found the sound coming from the wall, i got close and arms shot out to grab me, i pulled away   i once more pinged my constructs and got a crackle response from WATCH coming from the arms   i sighed heavily, and went in, i had to find them, i could not risk MPN falling into the wrong hands again   i came out of a grave with my headstone on it, odd, but after quickly pinging all my constructs, i was able to locate WATCH, not the others tho... this'll be interesting, been a while since i was just me and WATCH, eventually the other popped out of graves with their names on it, and we began speaking to some ghost children   they sent us to a house to "take care of daddy", we confronted all the children and gathered enough testimonials that i was convinced i'd kill this man, his wife feigned ignorance and claimed his innocence but i wasn't entirely convinced   after "daddy" got home, we discovered that it was a vampire named vlad, the others were spotted immediately, but by some miracle i wasn't (WATCH was tho so i kept him in his sight)   eventually i had WATCH fly over and gently place himself on the head of the vampire, after gently landing on top, i weighed my options, thought very hard, and after hearing the tone begin to turn...   i took a page out of arc's book, specifically the part about fortune favoring the bold, and i used watch to cast shocking grasp, denying the vampire any reactions while my teammates wailed on him   i buffed arc's gun and he managed to land a hit that rivaled GPK's fancy new staff, moved watch over to gpk and prepared to cast shield, but that turned out to be unnecessary because about 6 seconds later the vampire died and his soul went to his phylactery (coffin), perhaps investing in more buffs may not be the worst idea   we made our way to the coffin, and after some... advanced interrogation techniques... we put the vampire down for good   the wife revealed this all to be a simulation of her own (i chose not to question why WATCH was here, probably because unlike the other constructs he's more an extension of myself than a robot doing my bidding), she went on a long speech about power, nobody bought it, eventually she realized no one was biting so she threatened to leave us in this realm forever if one of us didn't comply, arc "bit the bullet" (heh) and decided to take her on, something about a pamphlet, wasn't paying attention   we arrived back home and i was happy to hear all my constructs respond to my ping, i picked up my order from the shop, and went home, began work on some more sets of blueprints and began inspecting my fancy new spellsword


Today, with the aide of Arc and GPK, i made a magic tool that casts Dragonbreath, i call it the Dragonspitter (prototype), i will be tinkering with plans for a finalized version, for now the prototype will do and i will gather resources for a better version in the future   put in an order for better materials   GPK got a giant crystal, plans for usage are underway   established a system for using dragon crystals in the future   need to fix Arc's core, that crystal won't last forever, will work on that next

loose ends tied

we found him, we found MPN   we were working on a weapon that spits fire, Arc wanted it to be analogue, i told him the risks with an analogue weapon, he insisted, so we persisted   3 attempts later, we had 3 catastrophic failures for a pressurized gas tank, Arc states he was open to the idea of a magical item variant   we fought some wolves, we won, we moved on   we arrived at the town to find it a smoldering ruin, somebody named phil died, good   we made our way toward the spiraling pillar of fire, after some investigation we realized it was an illusion, so we stepped in, and began combat   he tried to impale me twice, both times S.E.C.A.N.T. deflected the atack, they then impaled the half-elf, things weren't looking good   carnan's canon blew itself up, almost killing me and 100% killing S.E.C.A.N.T., glad none of my other constructs were nearby   New best friend Arc began shooting again with his mysterious "gun" technology, always fun to see   after a lot of pain, most of us nearly dying, arc landed a lucky shot and knocked him over, then pinned him to the ground with his foot and put him down with another shot to the head   the condition was still good enough that i could repair him and make him mine again, i patched him up, and he is now my lab guard (i guess he also guards the house and it's occupants but whatever), i feel like thannis would personally end me if i had MPN following me around as a bodyguard in my current state, so i figured this was the best option   regardless, MPN has returned to my side, study of him can continue when i find more downtime   i made another iron guardian (third one this month), named him S.E.C.A.N.T. T.W.O.   this that, as far as i'm aware, my situation has been wrapped up, so long as griffon is able to keep up his end of the deal and shield me from the other gods, i think i'll be fine

haha... i'm in danger...

GPK has a name, it's Coulomb, noted   thannis summoned us and revealed to me that i have a lot more than an angry robot after me now, fanatastic   after some thinking i was sent to speak to the great griffon   gp-i mean, coulomb's creator was there so he true formed into an ifreeti   we came to an agreement for protection from the other gods thanks to the griffon   we left and i don't feel safe anymore (if i even felt safe to begin with)   i know am acutely aware of where MPN is, i will find him, and i WILL reclaim him

Slimy Motherf*****

I freaked out and sent W.A.T.C.H. down to check on them, they all lived, even A.R.C.S.I.N., which made me feel relieved.   i sent the dragonborn to the entrance to wait for us, they didn't look too good   i supported them for a while remotely using W.A.T.C.H. and A.R.C.S.I.N.   we fought for a while and then i'm pretty sure the cowboy pushed me into the pit   i floated above because i dont' know how to dispel levitate, i just grabbed this spell, not quite sure how to use it   after a long and hard battle and my levitate wore off but...   A.R.C.S.I.N. perished... the shock hurt, and i saw red and just started... throwing fire...   i'm no wizard so it wasn't very powerful fire but i enchanted the gunslinger's weapons with fire and ice, and fling fire at it with all the magic i had and...   it died... after i calmed down i paid my respects to A.R.C.S.I.N. i used the leftover scrap to make a new iron defender, S.E.C.A.N.T.   i suppose this helps prevent confusion between A.R.C.S.I.N. and our new companion, Arc, whatever   we took a rest and then left through a portal, we confronted the cowboy and after some intimidation and threats from our new good friend Arc, we got his stamp, signing we completed the quest, and we can go get the quest turned in, i don't even care anymore at this point but i hope we never see him again   we are look around for the dragonborn and then GPK has started freaking out after looking at the staff we yoinked from the mummy lord

I f*cking knew it

The tomb room was f*cking trapped I f*cking knew it, f*ck f*ck f*ck, they're falling, oh f*ck they're falling, I can't f*cking- oh right I should probably talk about what lead up to this   so we woke up and got ready, I gave the dragonborn a dragonshard to eat because the only thing for miles to kill for their contract were us and our employer, I didn't feel like dealing with that so I gave them a shard in hopes it'd sate them, looks like it did, they have another breath weapon now, fascinating, will keep this noted for further study.   we entered the tomb with the cowboy, and we got to work, almost immediately after walking in we stepped on a pressure plate we previously missed, it opened a door containing a warforged armed with what looks like more sophisticated versions of carnaan's small hand canon.   GPK informed me that it was an ancient form of technology called a "gun" and that he's surprised to see one, who knows how long this bot has been in here, after some looking around I repaired him up and then replaced his core, he woke up instantly and was inquisitive, his name is Arc, it's not a serial code, it's just his name, how strange, also he has memory loss, running theme for this species it seems.   after some milling about we approached the throne room and I did some rudimentary experiments using my constructs, neither were even noticed by the occupants of the room even while standing directly in front of behind the, mere inches from them.   after a long battle I came to the conclusion that I need to better be equipped to face undead, I'll reaccommodate my spells with this in mind, also there was a mummy, he was bad, we fought, we won, and he broke the floor, now all 4 robots are falling, W.A.T.C.H. can fly, and so can GPK, but Arc and A.R.C.S.I.N. cannot, hopefully we can do something about that sooner rather than later.   anyway, they are falling, me, the dragonborn, T.I.C.K., and the cowboy are all up here still, I'll try to figure out how to deal with this once I put this journal back in my bag.

Dungeon Exploring

i wake up and decide to make a beetle, i spend the entire day on it aided by my constructs and by some miracle it is finished by the end of it   the quality is... not great, but it works, it follows my orders and otherwise functions as intended (didn't include the gacha spring because i didn't feel like surprises... maybe it needed that...)   when i finished i exited the magical mansion, and we went to the guild to kill some time while we wait for thannis to finish the warforged tracker   took a quest and headed out, idk why but the half-elf decided to attach itself to my robot and... sand... surf??? a strange one that one, that shield wont last the journey   I'LL BE DAMNED! it did last... until the very last second, it's now tarnished beyond recognition, hopefully she takes note of this for the trip back   anyways, we arrived, and we were sent in after talking to a cowboy posing as an archaeologist, but hey if the job pays i don't care   i sent the beetle in first because it can see in the dark, it found 3 rooms, and got stuck twice   the first time it got stuck i had W.A.T.C.H. retrieve it, and the second time i figured it was time to go in since everyone was getting antsy   we explored and then solved the puzzle for the first room, we found a sarcophagus, from my archeology background i know that as soon as that's looted whatever final security this place has will trigger, so we took note and will go there last   the second room was full of dead people, recently dead people, and mean looking sludge, so i decided that place would be skipped   we went to the last one, which was a mist pit, possibly bottomless, we erred on the side of caution and i had W.A.T.C.H. carefully teleport the Featheren across, once they were across we were ambushed by slimes   in a panic i wasted two peppers for a frost breath spell on both me and the dragonborn, i only needed to use one and the hole was too far away to seal anyway   the slimes turned out to be significantly less dangerous than i thought, perhaps i didn't even need to use a dragonbreath spell   after confirming a treasure room on the other side me, GPK, and the Featheren entered, immediately things started happening, after about 2 minutes passed of confusion i realized it was a wild magic curse so i placed a portal charge and double dashed out of the room, my curses were non-inhibitive at the time   by the time i had realized to run GPK and the Featheren had turned into a wolf and a doll respectively, after getting out of there and back across the pit i placed another charge and sent A.R.C.S.I.N. inside and had him start looting, since he was immune to such shenanigans   from that point i ordered him to just loot, i assume the others did too, since i couldn't afford to possess W.A.T.C.H. and check in on them, good thing i chose not to, as almost immediately after the portal close more slime came, this was a waste of time by this point so we quickly dispatched this second wave   eventually there weren't any left, so i possessed watch to observe the situation with the Featheren and GPK and they were... less than ideal, so i ordered A.R.C.S.I.N. to retrieve the two and carry them out   after a quick scan around the room with W.A.T.C.H. i found a lever, i pulled it and a platform rose for them to cross, convenient   i tallied up my loot and reported back to the cowboy who claimed to be an archaeologist, i reported wheat i found to him and he had a cleric dispel the curses on the Featheren and GPK   he let me keep all the money but took most of the gems, not a big deal, we retire for the night and head to the mansion, we'll explore the last bit tomorrow   i don't know how much my companions looted and they looked very worse for wear so i didn't ask them, hopefully not enough to be something notable

What have I done

We failed to take down the warforged, we were confronted about it, not good   the local king is an asshole, fantastic   thannis confronted me about it, sounded angry   after some deliberation i agreed to surrender my research   hardest decision i ever had to make, but it had to be done   as a reward for my cooperation i was compensated with a book about golems... this is... acceptable i suppose...   king even more stuck up than before   "fuck that guy in particular" lol   we are now awaiting a tracker from thannis   i will begin construction of many things using shards of my own soul instead of souls of others

Another no-good day

Arrived at an island that the robot was headed towards, good, got some headway   I estimate that by walking across the sea floor it will take it about 2 weeks, we contact local authorities and inform them to clear the docs and by some miracle they do   I purchased a dragonborn, neat I suppose   I do some magical nonsense on my new test subject and find a way to bypass natural dragonborn breath limitations for a short amount of time, research has been recorded and notes will be shared with relevant parties   I recalled forbidden knowledge from a book a wizard showed me for a few seconds, the knowledge is not immediately useful to me, but it is forbidden knowledge so I hope that doesn't end up a problem later as long as I don't share   bought a number of supplies for potential future constructs   began plating A.R.C.S.I.N. with blue dragon scales, with any luck this will disperse lightning and thunder damage that is directed at him   after some light testing this is proven to be the case and A.R.C.S.I.N. is now resistant to lighting and thunder damage   robot arrived on the second day, f***   in less than 6 seconds GPK was almost killed, I couldn't allow this so I had A.R.C.S.I.N. tackle the thing   I had A.R.C.S.I.N. pin it down and we had a bit of a scuffle before it got an arm free and stabbed my construct over and over until it managed to free itself, sh*t I really thought that was it for us   The robot escaped looking very angry and very damaged, I took notes on all the specs that I stole from it using W.A.T.C.H. while observing him during the fight and compiled a detailed list of everything about him, i'm scared to share the information.   We are battered, horrified, and confused, but are very much alive, and I am not gonna waste this chance I have to prepare better for the next encounter


I was informed that my robot has followed me in here, great, that's what I like to hear   I was informed by the wizard god that it is a significantly bigger problem than I thought, even better   I was informed that it is my duty to put it down, fantastic   the half-elf and the warforged went off to talk to the king without me, I sent my drone to follow so that I can pack everything into the cart, fun for the whole family   I was informed that we were leaving the cart and so i'd have to unpack my stuff, terrific   I have the half-elf's brother a sending stone for emergency contact, I love using my infusion slots   we are headed to the king for transportation to the island of Imera, delightful, simply delightful


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