
The name puddingfruit can refer to either a hard shelled fruit native to Druugheim or the tree it grows on.

Basic Information


The fruit itself has a hard outer shell, similar to a coconut, but significantly thinner and more brittle. The shell is strong enough to hit a person over the head with, but a concerted effort with a blade or bludgeon will find it fairly simple to break open.   The inside of the fruit is incredibly acidic, with the contents of a freshly picked fruit able to cause a mostly harmless but exceptionally uncomfortable irritation in the skin of most humanoids. This acidity makes the fruit completely unlivable for most of the microorganisms responsible for causing most fruits to rot. The acid is, however, strong enough to begin breaking down the proteins and fibers holding together the flesh of the fruit, rendering it a yellow goop resembling a sweet, citrus-flavored pudding. Fruits ripened too far past the ideal point will be cracked open to find the contents to be watery, chunky, and bland to the point of being nauseating, making them inedible for all intents and purposes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Puddingfruit trees are self-pollinating via non-blooming buds that form on the bark of the tree. When fertilized, these buds will fall from the tree to function as seeds.
Conservation Status
Puddingfruit is widely spread through Druugheim, and plentiful. It is in no way in danger of being extinct as of 3048 AS.


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