The Game of Serpent Tradition / Ritual in Zami Ramal | World Anvil
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The Game of Serpent

The Game of Serpent is an ancient Zamian game that resembles simplified backgammon. Each player selects a set of animal tokens and must race to the centre of the coiled snake board and become a divine creature. Tokens are small animals such as rabbit, rat and goat. The number of moves is determined by tossing three coins or three flat sticks with black and white faces, so each move can be one to six of the 88 squares on the snakes back. Regional variations can be found. The following rules were written in the ancient scrolls of the Hajdibi merchant, Riffin Lacey.   Game Play
Two animals are not permitted to be on the same square at once. If no move is permissible from the number tossed, then the turn is passed. When one or six is scored, a player has three options:
  • placing a new animal on the first square of the board (the tail)
  • converting a worshipful animal in the middle of the board to being a divine creature
  • moving an animal already on the board.
  Worshipful Creatures
To begin with, animals are aiming to reach head of the snake where they will gain divine power from the Goddess Lurue.   To start an animal upon the board, a score of one or six is required. While running to the middle of the board, if an animal lands on an opponents animal, then the two swap places - the opponents animal is returned to the square of the attacking animal. If an animal lands on an animal owned by the same player, then he jumps off its back and goes on a further number of squares of the same amount. An animal must score exactly the right amount to land on the head of the snake, which is at middle of the board.   Divine Creatures
Once an animal arrives at the centre, it worships Lurue in order to become a divine creature with great powers. To finish worshiping and become a divine creature, a score of one or six must be scored. To convert an animal to being divine simply turn it round to face outwards. Divine creatures always face outwards even if they move backwards towards the middle of the coil. Divine creatures can go in either direction but cannot land on a friendly animal. If a divine creature lands on an opponent's animal, they destroy it and it is removed from the game.   Winning the Game
The winner is the player whose animals dispose of all three of the opponent's animals.

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