Chakras Physical / Metaphysical Law in Zamzara, The Hollow Earth | World Anvil
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The Spiritual Spirals

"There are two forms of the self, yet another duality of the universe. We exist in two places at once: the material realm, the physical space where we live and eat and survive; and the sublime transcendent realm where our minds and consciousnesses reside in the immaterial. Our mind and body are separate and inseparable all at once - they rely upon and affect one another in equal ways. The sublime form exists within our physical shells, immortal and perfect, yet limited by the material, and this form courses through us like any other vital function. Our Prana is channeled through us like blood, yet there are liminal spaces within us where mind and body come closer to harmony, and attaining harmonization with all seven Chakras within is one of the key steps to Moksha and empowering one's mind and spirit."
- The Elementarium, Chapter 3


In the human body, there are seven focal points, known as Chakras, meant for Prana and Elemental energies alike to be stored, and innumerable number of pathways between them, constantly growing and evolving with age and experience. They are gates between the Material Realm and the Astral Realm, progress vertically down a person's body, and have their own subtle differences. The Cult of the Emperor maintains the belief that each Chakra is representative of a different stage of transcendence and that The Transcendent Emperor mastered all seven before transcending this Kalpa through Moksha, while Animists believe that Chakras are the seven aspects of the human soul.
A person's Prana is constantly in flux, moving erratically in and about the body, but through ritualistic practices and meditation, one can learn control over this energy. The practiced person's Chakras are drastically different from the average person's - their Prana flows evenly throughout the body, never stagnating at any of the focal points or being obstructed in moving through the body's spiritual channels. Their Chakras do not store energy, but ceaselessly keep it moving, rotating in a perfect and constant spiral pattern, always fresh and energized. Fully unblocking even a single Chakra is a spiritual ordeal that can take anywhere from months to years, but grant the practitioner superhuman abilities that are as innate to them as breathing.

The seven Chakras are classified thusly:

  • Mulaz, the Source Chakra: Located at the pelvic floor, it is the foundation of all forms of bodily energy and is emblematic of security and stability. It is the most attuned to the material world and Humanity's primal instincts. The spiritual channels of the body begin and end here. It is associated with the Rigor Element. Those who master this Chakra have no need to eat or drink, using the universe's Prana to maintain themselves.
  • Zvadi, the Creation Chakra: Located at the genitals, it is where all unconscious thoughts and energies originate and is emblematic of emotions and sexuality. It is the Chakra of independence and innovation. Unbidden thoughts, emotions, and sensations stem from this focal point. It is associated with the Change Element. Those who master this Chakra gain boundless freedom and can move through all matter as if it were the ocean itself.
  • Mazi, the Warrior Chakra: Located at the navel, it is the source of a Human's motivation and is emblematic of their power and confidence. It is where goals and ambition are born, spreading throughout the body and into the universe. It is associated with the Willpower Element. Those who master this Chakra awaken the ability to externalize and harden their Prana into unbreakable physical forms. Mulaz, Zvadi, and Mazi are the three Material Chakras and do not have astral forms.
  • Zana, the Bridge Chakra: Located at the heart, it is where the physical Chakras meet the spiritual Chakras and is emblematic of balance and sobriety. From here, cooperation and clarity are born. As the center of the Chakras, the most number of spiritual channels course through this point. It is associated with the Balance Element. Those who master this Chakra gain The Godhead's eyes, able to pierce through all illusions and guises to see reality and the immaterial as they truly are. Zana is the only Chakra that exists within both the Material Realm and the Astral Realm.
  • Vizhu, the Pure Chakra: Located at the neck, it is where one's spiritual energies are separated and processed or expunged, similar to the human liver, and is emblematic of self-expression and reflection. It is the first of the internal spiritual Chakras and is the most integral to attaining wisdom and learning from experiences. It is associated with the Spirit Element. Those who master this Chakra purify the spirit and body completely, negating the process of aging and decay. Vizhu, Azna, and Zahazra are the three Astral Chakras and do not exist in the Material Realm.
  • Azna, the Intuitive Chakra: Located at the forehead, it is one's "third eye" and the source of intellect and the way which spiritual energy enters the body from outside it. It is emblematic of perception and wisdom. It is the supreme Chakra within the human body and the source of consciousness. It is associated with the Mind Element. Those who master this Chakra master their third eye and gain the ability to project their consciousness outside of their physical shells.
  • Zahazra, the Transcendent Chakra: Located above one's head, it is sometimes debated whether or not this is a true Chakra, as it is distinct from a person's astral body. Regardless, it is the source of the soul, the focal point by which all others are modeled after. It is emblematic of perfection. It is the ultimate among Chakras, said to be a portion of The Godhead from which all human consciousness flows and returns to. Unlike the other 6, this Chakra is completely unique - there is only one among all Humanity, and we each partake in a drop from its ocean of energy. It is associated with all of The Elements and none of them, as it encompasses universal consciousness and unity. Those who master this Chakra unshackle their souls from the material world and enter the world of the transcendent through Moksha.

As outlined in the Absolute Mantras, Zahazra, the Transcendent Chakra cannot be mastered before the six others, as even having the ability to truly perceive this Chakra is impossible without journeying to spiritual mastery and purifying the body and spirit. Typically, the process of harmonizing one's Chakras is a sequential one, starting at the beginning in Mulaz, then progressing up the body and outside it to Zahazra. However, all people are different, and some sages master one of their Chakras, such as Vizhu, before the others.
Chakra Subimage
Metaphysical, Supernatural

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