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Malka Is the main figure in a new cult Started in a small village east of Sansepolis over the mountains, the early life of Malka is unknown he claims to have no earthly parents and that all the world is his family. He came out of the east dune dressed as a shepherd with a hooked cane and said to the people of the village that he was a shepherd of men and that he had come to safe guard his flock, Malka preached peace and loving ones neighbors most saw him as a social disturbance and would ask him questions trying to make him look foolish but would always leave looking like the fool themselves, except a few would not leave and become his followers with 15 being his main followers and being renamed by him but many followed him, they followed him at all time and would wait outside any building he went in even if it was to sleep or eat, and though he would preach to them after he would ignore them after and his 15 disciples would have to clear a path for him and keep the crowds from garbing him. Though he mostly preached peace and love he also pushed against the ruling authorities and on a few occasions would start small riots and fights with the army guards posted in the village, this made the local lawmen label him a menace and executing him by putting him in a cage that hung from one of the mountain tops and leaving him there with no food or water in the hot sun until dead and then the guards would tossed the body off the mountain tops. But when his disciples went to get the body from the bottom of the mountain it was gone, they claim to be able to see where it landed but that no body or foot prints could be seen, the 15 claim to have seen Malka and had supper with him after his death, they claim he came to them 20 days and 1020 minutes after they looked for the body many believe the time waited to be important but its meaning is unknown. His 15 disciples began to preach his message and they spread out from the original village but the empire has outlawed the belief in the new cult under penalty of death the only place it is safe to openly worship Malka is in the original village now called Malkapolis though its new name is not officially recognized by the authorities, faith in this new God is rising throughout the empire, but that dose not stop the lawmen from trying to enslave and kill any members they can find, they sent trackers to find and deal with any Malkins they found, one such man was Aaron he was a tracker of renowned skill and was merciless to anyone he was sent after, it was said he did not feel emotions at all and was called a black spot on the sun by any who meet him, but as he was camping next to the road we was awaken from sleep by the sound of lightning and though it was the middle of the night a great light blinded him and he heard a voice speak to him, after this Aaron the most vicious killer of Malkin changed his name to Zand and became the most devout follower of Malka, he now wanders the deserts and towns looking for someone or something.

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