Journal of Finkle Fizzlesprocket, the Giant-Dragon War Document in Zantin | World Anvil

Journal of Finkle Fizzlesprocket, the Giant-Dragon War

"As we prepare to enter Tempest Valley, I am reminded of an old legend; the one of the giants and the dragons fighting in this very region. If, should the opportunity present itself, I could converse with a giant, perhaps he could enlighten me with knowledge on this obscure piece of Myrthul's history.   It's quite fascinating the way the giant's travel has shaped these mountains. But even more so is the fact that almost every peak in the range has been carved by a famous giant sculptor. After spending three days trying to follow one (they are devilishly fast walkers) and convince him to tell me anything, I learned that Berontu's Fist was indeed at one point an actual sculpture of a fist that stood taller than Vvaaskalli's Peak! Of course, Vvaaskalli the Vain couldn't stand this, and so he destroyed it. Of course I pressed the giant for more, but the rest of my companions insist we need to make way to North Gilaan, claiming that my interrogations are "pointless". Without my interrogations, how would the world know the true history behind the Red River?...   I can't believe it. The giants and dragons really did it. It's not often that a god must involve themselves with mortal affairs, even that of ancients such as dragons, although I do suppose nearly tearing a continent in half might call for divine intervention. I'm still trying to quantify how much power would have been necessary to create such an effect. It's no wonder the line between worlds was so thin when the Abyss opened, in fact, I'm surprised it didn't crack hundreds of years sooner."
Journal, Personal


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