Thunderbell Species in Zantin | World Anvil


The Thunderbell is a small, bell-shaped flower native to Tempest Valley growing only at high altitudes making gathering of it both dangerous and exhausting. Adding to difficulty of its retrieval, the Thunderbell only blooms for three days following a thunderstorm before withering.

Basic Information


The Thunderbell grows in patches, often with three flowers blooming with five or six blue-violet petals and a golden stem. The stem is covered with thorns coated in a poison that can render an adult human paralyzed for up to two days.

Biological Traits

Despite the flowering only blooming for several days, the lifespan of the plant itself can be several decades. The stem can grow up to a foot and a half in length, with smooth leaves reaching two inches. The flower itself can reach two inches in diameter and three inches in length.

Ecology and Habitats

The Thunderbell only grows in the highest parts of Tempest Valley, but only on specific mountain tops. They are said to grow where blue dragons held lairs.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The stem of the flower has incredible magical properties, seemingly imbuing thunder into any metal it is infused in. It is, however, extremely volatile as a crafting resource, capable of releasing the same magic on the craftsman.   The petals of the flower can be used to make an invigorating tea said to help relieve lethargy and moderate pain.   The flower recently has become a symbol of great heroism used by the soldiers of the Dalure Guard. If a soldier journeys up a mountain to retrieve one and brings it to the king, he is allowed to have the flower painted on his armor and shield, and is also eligible to join the king's royal guard, although the soldier is not required to do either.
20-30 years
Average Height
8-10 inches


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