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Aria Castellanos

Aria Castellanos is a striking young girl with an unusual blend of her parents' heritages. Her skin is a soft, warm hue, reminiscent of the golden sugar cane that grows around Lake Bubblegum, a testament to her half-elf lineage. Her eyes are a sparkling emerald, the same as her mother's, yet they hold a certain human curiosity that makes them seemingly brighter. Her hair is a cascade of fiery red locks, a trait she inherits from her father, the Bubblegum Baron. It flows down to her waist, often styled in intricate braids adorned with sugared berries and tiny candies. Her ears are pointed, yet not as sharply as a full-blooded elf's, giving her a unique and charming appearance. Aria is petite for her age but carries herself with a poise and grace that belies her years, a trait learned from her elven mother. She has a sprinkling of freckles across her nose and cheeks, which only add to her whimsical appeal. Her smile is infectious, revealing a set of teeth that seem to glow with the same sweetness that her father's confections are known for.   Aria is a curious and empathetic soul, with a passion for learning and a keen sense of justice. Her mother's elven heritage has instilled in her a love for the environment and a desire to maintain harmony between the natural and the constructed worlds. While she enjoys the privileges of her noble birth, she is not blind to the impact the sugar trade has on the ecosystem. A natural leader, Aria is often found orchestrating adventures with the palace staff's children and the local woodland creatures. Her charm and persuasive nature allow her to navigate the complexities of courtly life with ease, yet she remains humble and kind-hearted. Aria is a peacemaker, always seeking to understand others' perspectives before making judgments. Her quirky habit of speaking to plants and animals has earned her a reputation for being somewhat eccentric, but it is this very quality that makes her so endearing to those who know her. With a heart as sweet as the confections her father is known for, Aria Castellanos is a force of nature in her own right, poised to make a significant impact on the world of Lake Bubblegum and beyond

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to the illustrious couple, Gideon Castellanos, the Bubblegum Baron, and Elara Castellanos, the Matriarch of Sugarcrest, Aria is the eldest of their three children. Raised in the Baron's Mansion, she has grown up surrounded by the decadent sweets that have made her family's name synonymous with indulgence. Despite her sugary upbringing, Aria has a profound respect for the natural world, often sneaking out of the palace to explore the enchanted forests that line the lake's edge. Her mother's elven lineage has bestowed upon her a deep connection to nature, and she often finds solace in the company of the magical creatures that dwell there. Aria is also a prodigy in the art of alchemy, a talent she shares with her human father. However, she uses her abilities not just to create new concoctions, but to study and preserve the natural beauty of the lake and its surroundings. Her curiosity about the balance between the human world of confectionery and the elven world of nature has led her to become a skilled mediator between the two realms.


Family Ties

Current Status
Child to the Bubblegum Baron
Current Location
Bubblegum Baron's Mansion
Current Residence
Bubblegum Baron's Mansion
Fiery red locks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light golden
Petite build


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